Thanks for the speedy reply, Mike — I appreciate it.
I see that they have a captcha gallery on the site and it seems that it’s just a matter of adding the php snippet in the right place.
I’m not too up on php — but wondering where I might put this code in your plugin? i.e. which php page(s)?
PS Here;s an example of the code snippet for one of the Captcha styles:
require_once ‘securimage.php’;
$img = new securimage();
$img->image_width = 260;
$img->image_height = 80;
$img->ttf_file = ‘AHGBold.ttf’;
$img->perturbation = 0.85;
$img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color(0×0, 0×0, 0×0);
$img->text_color = new Securimage_Color(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);
$img->text_transparency_percentage = 10;
$img->use_transparent_text = true;
$img->text_angle_minimum = -10;
$img->text_angle_maximum = 10;
$img->num_lines = 0;
$img->line_color = new Securimage_Color(0xff, 0xaff, 0xff);