Check if you have PHP5. Some have reported that their server was PHP4 and it caused this. Upgrade to PHP5. PHP5 is more secure and more reliable. PHP4 is discontinued.
If that was not it…
Maybe another plugin is conflicting.
Look on the Admin – Plugins – menu.
Temporarily Disable (not uninstall) all your other plugins.
Does it work now? If yes, Activate the plugins one by one to determine
which one conflicts. Which plugin was causing it?
If that was not it..
I think there is a PHP error on the page. Your server might have PHP error display turned off so it does not show what the error says, that is why the white page.
Do you have PHP error logs? Look and see what the error says.
You can also try this temporarily to possibly see the error.
Edit the wp-config.php file and add this line:
define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
Be sure to remove it later when done testing as some poorly written
plugins and themes will display warnings that are not really hard errors just warnings. BTW I program my plugins well enough that there should be no errors or warnings.
Please report your progress.