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  • How to add the contact form as a sidebar widget:

    1. Login to your blog’s administration pages and go to the Theme
    Editor — i.e. select Appearance >> Editor from the admin menu.
    2. Look in the list of Template Files on the right of the page for one
    called Theme Functions or functions.php and click on it to load it
    into the editor.
    3. Find a place between the <?php and ?> tags which is not in the
    middle one of the functions that may already be in the file (the very
    top or bottom of the file are both good places) and add the following
    add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
    4. Click on the Update File button to save the modified template.

    That’s all you need to do. Now any shortcodes you add to a sidebar
    widget will be correctly processed by the plugin they belong to. The
    easiest way to test this is as follows:

    1. Go to Appearance >> Widgets using the administration menu.
    2. Find the Text widget in the list on the left, and click its Add
    3. Click on the new widget’s Edit link, and enter a title for the
    widget and then add the shortcode below it.
    4. Click the Change button, then click the Save Changes button (easy
    to forget) and then go to the front page of your blog to see your new
    shortcode-enabled widget.

    (Note: your theme must support widgets for the new text widget to show
    up. If it doesn’t then you will have to “widgetize” your theme or find
    another theme that does support widgets.)


    We seem to be having some difficulty getting this to work. We are using a modified version of TwentyTen theme and other widgets work. We cna get it to work in the page, but we cannot get it to work in the widget area. What shows up is the short code and not the form.

    Did you follow all steps in the FAQ?
    It works on my Twenty Ten after doing the steps.

    Hi Mike.

    I have exactly the same problem as clickbrain and I followed the steps in the FAQ.
    Other widgets are working in my theme.



    Any suggestions?

    One more thing:
    Why the red doodle under “si” in the FAQ?

    Why the red doodle under “si” in the FAQ?

    spell check



    Hi Mike and all,

    I have followed the steps above to get the form working on Thematic:

    But still it displays [si-contact-form form=’1′] and not the form.

    Any ideas?



    Thanks Mike for the reply.

    I have been through the steps but still no joy.

    Any chance it could be:

    • That my host is running on Windows
    • That my host’s not upgraded to PHP5?

    It should be upgraded to PHP5. PHP5 is more secure and more reliable. PHP4 is discontinued and should not be used anymore at all.

    Make sure this code is in the theme’s functions.php
    If you have more than one theme, make sure to select the functions.php of the correct theme.(in your case thematic)
    add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

    follow these troubleshooting steps:

    .. and this one..
    (even though the symptoms may be different)



    Thanks Mike.

    I have been through the FAQs and I believe my WordPress has a broken shortcode function. I really do not want to re-install it as I have so much work tied up in the look and feele tc.

    Is there anything else I can do?

    How can I add the contact form to a template manually rather than use shortcode in a page?

    Use this code:

    if ( isset($si_contact_form) )  {
     echo $si_contact_form->si_contact_form_short_code( array( 'form' => '1' ) );

    Be sure to set the correct form number for example, for form 2 you have to set: 'form' =>'2'



    Thanks Mike.

    Sorry for being a newbie to all this – but which template should I add the coode to?

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