I think I might have this fixed. I have to wait a couple days to make sure it works and to update the code and documentation a bit.
I had to fiddle the email headers.
I added a new header for “Sender:”, deleted “Return-Path:” header, and adjusted the “From:” header.
It will be recommended to set the “E-mail From” setting on the form edit page to an actual email address on the SAME domain as your web site or either of two problems could happen:
Possible problem #1:
Mail might not send (you won’t get the mail at all)
Possible problem #2
Mail might be received, but always delivered to the spam folder.
Solution: set the “E-mail From” setting on the form edit page to an actual email address on the SAME domain as your web site. In the new version, the “E-mail From” setting will be required (it was optional before). This is good because if this new version works, problems #1 and #2 will not happen for as many people any more.
The new version will not be available until I finish testing it. If you are having mail go to your spam folder and want to test my new code now, contact me here and ask for it: