Hi Bakke.
First of all I want to apologize for posting this thread into this conversation, but I haven’t found another way to contact Bakke.
If we can continue this thread by email or by any other way, please let me know.
I have some questions for Bakke related to the slideshow plugin for featured images.
In my wordpress site https://www.victorenrich.com
I have installed another plugin that let’s each post have MULTIPLE featured images.
Which I divide in “Featured Image” and “Support Image 1” “Support Image 2” etc…
I can create as many Support Images I want, by addind them in the functions.php file.
Basically I would like to use the slideshow in 2 different ways:
1.- for the home page and some category pages I would like to use the slideshow for showing the FIRST featured image of each post belonging to that category.
2.- For each post I would like to use it only for the featured images inside that specific post.
So I have 2 questions regarding this.
Is it possible to make it work like specified above?
So for the category.php template
I’ll be able to add the php code to the category template a so I won’t need to specify the category of the posts displayed and the images will be taken from the posts in that category ID that, that we are visiting?
In this case, the images to show would be only the “Featured images” of each post.
Same for the post template.
Is it possible to add the code into the post template so the slideshow detects the POST ID and displayes both the “featured image” and “support image 1, 2, 3,4 ETC” ?
Thanks for your answer.