• Hello,

    I have a map that is currently hosted on Google MyMaps. This is located at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1Pbe-YbBv_nZC4PO4t-nm_j4bIvE&ll=-35.773589436302174%2C150.74065962109376&z=6.

    I also have a separate website that runs WordPress. I am looking for a plugin that will allow me to host the map on my WordPress-based website instead of on Google MyMaps.

    I have a few specific requirements, though, and so I would like to ask you if you provide any plugin that may be suitable and may provide all of my requirements.

    Specifically, I need the following features:
    1. I wish to load KMZ image overlays onto the map, and have the ability for the user to toggle the overlays on and off. I am specifically hoping to load the following KMZ dataset into my map: https://pmd.gfz-potsdam.de/contact/NewWorldAtlas_ArtificialSkyBrightness.kmz
    2. The ability to click on a line using the mouse and have it change colour temporarily (when it is selected). For example, with the current map, there are many red lines on the map. I can currently click on and select a particular line, and this line turns white temporarily (to indicate that it is selected). I need this sort of capability.
    3. Support for multiple layers of raster and vector data.
    4. All map data must be hosted locally (on my own web server); I wish to have a system that is completely independent of any third party, e.g. Google.
    5. Must integrate with WordPress.
    6. Display street maps or satellite imagery (preferably from Google Earth/Maps).
    7. It must not allow the user to download any data from the map. The map data I plan to make available is copyright and needs to be restricted so that it is only available via the map display.

    I also would like the following features, although these are not vital:
    1. Ability to create a colour overlay from CSV data. I am planning to place multiple sensors around the world and need to be able to visualise the data on the map. e.g. if the temperature in an area is warm, then the overlay should be red, if the temperature in an area is cold, then the overlay should be blue.
    2. Detect the user’s location, and provide directions to points on the map, along with traffic information.
    3. Ability for the user to search for either an address name or for the name of a point in the map layers that I have created.
    4. An easy way to upload new data, e.g. upload a KML/KMZ file to add new points to existing layers.
    5. The ability to set a default view, e.g. when the web page and map are first loaded, it should automatically zoom the map to show Australia. If the system can detect the user’s location, the ability to zoom in to the user’s location would also be useful.

    I understand your plugins may not support many of these features. Can you please advise which features are supported, though, so I can determine whether or not it meets my needs?

    Thank you in advance for your advice.

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