I guess nobody knows the answer ?? So I spent few hours coding and now I got modified function which does that and here it is:
* Built-in pagination for galleries
* Mod by SoWhat
* @since
function file_gallery_do_pagination( $max_num_pages = 0, $page = 0 )
$max_count = $max_num_pages;
if( 0 < $max_num_pages && 0 < $page )
$out = array();
if ($max_count <= 10 || $page > $max_num_pages-10) { // if less then 10 pages or in the end
while( 0 < $max_num_pages)
{ if ($ix > 10 && $page > $max_num_pages-10) break;
if( (int) $page === (int) $max_num_pages )
$out[] = '<span class="current">' . $max_num_pages . '</span>';
$out[] = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="page"', _wp_link_page($max_num_pages)) . $max_num_pages . '</a>';
$max_num_pages--; $ix++;
if ($max_count > 10) return '<div class="wp-pagenavi">' . "\n<a href='../1/'>1</a> .. ". implode("\n", array_reverse($out)) . "\n" . '</div> ';
else return '<div class="wp-pagenavi">' . "\n". implode("\n", array_reverse($out)) . "\n" . '</div> ';
} elseif ($page < 10) { //in the beginning
while( 0 < $max_num_pages)
if( (int) $page === (int) $max_num_pages )
$out[] = '<span class="current">' . $max_num_pages . '</span>';
if ($max_num_pages <= 10) $out[] = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="page"', _wp_link_page($max_num_pages)) . $max_num_pages . '</a>';
$max_num_pages--; $ix++;
return '<div class="wp-pagenavi">' . "\n". implode("\n", array_reverse($out)) . " .. <a href='../$max_count/'>$max_count</a>\n" . '</div> ';
} else { //in the middle
for ($max_num_pages = $page + 5; $max_num_pages>=$page - 5 ; $max_num_pages--) {
if( (int) $page === (int) $max_num_pages )
$out[] = '<span class="current">' . $max_num_pages . '</span>';
$out[] = str_replace('<a ', '<a class="page"', _wp_link_page($max_num_pages)) . $max_num_pages . '</a>';
return '<div class="wp-pagenavi">' . "\n<a href='../1/'>1</a> .. ". implode("\n", array_reverse($out)) . " .. <a href='../$max_count/'>$max_count</a>\n" . '</div> ';
return '';
In case you want to use it, it works only with url-rewriting enabled and it is for plugin version It is located in /file-gallery/includes/templating.php at line 310.
PS. I am a beginner in PHP and it is very late here, so code probably could be more optimised and you are welcome to do that ??
PPS. Plugin developers, please include this (or similar) script in next plugin releases.