• I just ran some tests and it looks like if I create a plugin filter with the permalink set to my homepage (the domain root in my case), the result is exactly as if I had created a global filter, i.e. all other posts & pages are impacted. And this even though I didn’t check off ‘Also Affect Children’.

    Which means to me that the Permalink field isn’t only for a specific url, it’s for anything that matches that url (fragment). Which is good news if it means that’s how I can apply filters to search/category/tag pages, but how do I apply filters to *only* the homepage?


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  • Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    I only get that result when I check the Also Affect Children box. I can’t recreate the problem on my sites.

    Thread Starter jshare


    After a little more testing, it seems that for the Permalink field in the Edit Plugin Filter page, this:

    A) https://mydomain.net/

    is NOT the same as this:

    B) https://mydomain.net

    3 tests:

    1) When I use A) without checking off ‘Also affect children’, I expect that a plugin will be filtered (e.g. turned off only) for the homepage.

    But in my test, it was filtered for the homepage and other pages, but not posts, as if I had checked off ‘Also affect children’, so I think there’s a bug.

    2) Similarly- when I use B) without checking off ‘Also affect children’, I expect that a plugin will be filtered (e.g. turned off only) for the homepage.

    But in my test, the plugin was NOT filtered anywhere, as far as I can tell- not the homepage, not other pages and not posts.

    Although technically A != B, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect users to remember a trailing /, so while perhaps not a bug, this should be changed IMHO.

    3) If I use A) and check off ‘Also affect children’, I expect that a plugin will be filtered (e.g. turned off only) for the homepage and other pages, but not posts.

    And in my test, that’s exactly what happened.

    4) If I use B) and check off ‘Also affect children’, by this point I frankly don’t know what to expect, so I’ll guess and say ‘nothing’, just like in 2) above.

    And my test shows that I guess right. No big surprise there, it’ll depend on how you handle 2).

    So to sum up the answer to my question AFAIK, with v4.1.1 I don’t see how to enforce a filter on the homepage only.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    No A and B are not the same. You can set your wordpress up with or without the trailing slash. If you have a trailing slash on your url’s then you need to have that slash in the permalink field or it won’t match. When you go to your homepage copy the url from your browser and enter it as the permalink in your filter. That should catch the homepage.

    For number 3 you aren’t understanding how it works. There is no difference between a wordpress post and a wordpress page. They are both wordpress post types.

    Thread Starter jshare


    Got it.

    But even with 5.0.2, there’s still something that doesn’t make sense.

    I deleted all my plugin filters and left everything on in the Global filter. I then created a new Homepage Only plugin filter with permalink = https://mydomain.net/ (WordPress is configured for trailing slashes) and turned off some plugins in that filter. ‘Also Affect Children’ is unchecked.


    This plugin filter does work on the homepage, but it’s also applied on all other pages/posts as if I had checked ‘Also Affect Children’. Essentially, this plugin filter is having the same impact as a global filter.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    I fixed the trailing slash issue. It will now correct the permalink if you forget to add the slash and need it. It will also remove it if you add it and don’t need it.
    Have you tried removing all of Plugin Organizers settings? To do this go to the Plugin Organizer settings page and select No under “Preserve plugin settings when Plugin Organizer is deactivated”. Then deactivate Plugin Organizer and reactivate it. After that is done go create a plugin filter for the homepage and disable an obvious plugin. See if that changes anything.

    Thread Starter jshare


    I just tried exactly that and sure enough, the disabled plugin isn’t called on the homepage. However, it isn’t called on other posts either. And this without ‘Also Affect Children’ being checked.

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    Do you have a test site I can get access to? Or can you give me temporary access to your live site so I can see what is going on?

    Thread Starter jshare


    Sure, where should I send you access information?


    Same thing happens in my web, when I create a filter for the homepage this filter is applied to the entire site. I have tried all possible variables but the filter is not able to apply only to the home page.

    Any new news?


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    jshare you can send it to me through the form on my website at https://www.jsterup.com/contact/

    Thread Starter jshare



    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    I logged into your site and did some testing. The fuzzy url matching is not your problem. I disabled the easy fancybox plugin on your homepage filter and enabled it on https://www.webyseo.es/diseno-web. The fancybox plugin was disabled on that page before. When I access https://www.webyseo.es/diseno-web the fancybox plugin loads so the plugin filter had no affect on it. The problem with getting it to work on your homepage has something to do with how your server is set up. When you access https://www.webyseo.es your web server is setting the $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] variable to https://www.webyseo.es/ with the ending slash. Since you have your wordpress set up not to allow the ending slash in your permalink settings the url doesn’t match. You could try changing your permalink structure to /%postname%/ instead of /%postname%.

    Thread Starter jshare


    This seems to be fixed with 5.0.3, I can now set homepage-only filters.


    Plugin Author Jeff Sterup


    Weird. I don’t know what I changed to fix it.

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