Done a review on your source code and found that, you were using the wp-minify plugin to minify the javascript and css to speedup the site.
So the wp-minify combining all the javascript and compressing them to make site load faster, Thus it making the code
<script type='text/javascript' src=',wp-content/plugins/mailchimp-widget/js/mailchimp-widget-min.js,wp-content/plugins/aio-shortcodes//js/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js,wp-admin/js/password-strength-meter.js,wp-content/themes-ai1ec/vortex/js/general.min.js,wp-content/plugins/premium-floating-social-media-icon/floating.js&m=1343546664'></script>
But the location reffered in src of the javascript is showing HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
Which is something similar problem mentioned in
The Floating.js is a necessary javascript which needs the plugin to work.
After doing a review on the minify generated code, we found that the HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request is happening because of an extra / after wp-content/plugins/aio-shortcodes/ it may be generating by the aio-shortcodes plugin.
Expected Solutions:
1) Please try deactivating the aio-shortcode plugin
2) try deactivating the wp minify plugin
We are sure, the above problem will not only make problem to our plugin, but also will make functionality problems to other plugins and theme function which use the following javascript files…
Thank you.
Please let us know the status of this problem after trying the above mentioned solutions.