For a translation I need 2 things. One, a native speaker that can translate all texts. I did prepare the plugin for (gettext) translations, so I can send a po-file (for the Poedit tool) to the translator.
But more important I need someone that can help me fix the gettext translation. For some reason it doesn’t work and my knowledge on the subject is not good enougd to fix it. I tried and failed, so I decided to let it be and stick with the Dutch version.
Other competitions
The plugin – in theory – can be used for other leagues, e.g. a national competition. If make a new “data/data.txt” file with one group (e.g. Premier League), one gametype (no finals) and all games, teams, stadiums/venues, etc. and do a (re)install of the plugin, then predictions for these games can be entered for your users. But I haven’t tried this yet. So no guarantees it will work.
I have an Excel file that I use for the generation of the SQL statements. If you want it, I can mail it to you (or add it to the plugin zip-file).