• I run a website that serves as a “library,” a collection of documents, texts, etc.

    What I need is a good way to organize documents by author, topic, etc.

    I especially am looking for a way to create author pages that will display a list of an author’s works and allow you to sort them by date, by title, etc.

    So, say I host Thomas Jefferson’s works. I would like to generate a Thomas Jefferson page where you could go and see a table/list with all of the works I host and sort them by date, by title, perhaps topic, etc.

    I would really prefer to not do create this pages manually.

    Is there a plugin or tip that could help me here?

    Thanks all,

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  • Parks:

    I have the same need: A listing of PDF and Word documents by topic for a non-profit.


    I also need this. I have many Bibles in PDF that I want to list by language and allow people to download them. Is there a way to do it in WordPress. The answer will decide if I stay with WordPress or try another avenue for my website. – JP

    has anyone found answer for this? I also need same plugin.

    Thanks and Regards,

    Just an idea off the top of my head…
    How about a shopping cart such as WordPress ecommerce. It may give you a way to file docs under different sections. You can have free or paid downloads.
    Another way is to use S2Member, and assign pages to each author with a list of their works on the page. Access to pages can be restricted to members only (paid or unpaid).
    Or maybe use a forum plugin – bbpress – to create set areas and menus for authors.

    Hope that helps…

    Hey Harty,

    Thanks for quick reply.

    I already found a way to display different categories using custom post type, but now I want to sort it by Title, Downloads, Date and Author name thats giving me headache.

    Do you know any Commercial plugin which does this? – this is the link of the website on which I am currently working

    Thanks and Regards,

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