• Hello,

    WE recently migrated our site, https://www.galaxyreptiles.com to WP Engine. We have an SSL and we are only forcing the checkout and the backend through the SSL.

    We assume the rest of the site should be http, it is not. In fact if we want to change the settings>>general to https://www.galaxyreptiles.com, we can’t it will default.

    The techs at WP Engine state that they feel is is plugin. and below is the list of plugins on the site. We are eagerly looking for a solution. I mean the site works, and the site is secure and we had a great SLL ub it is nice to have everything working perfectly. Below is a list of plugins, can any of these cause a site to be forced and to be https.

    Akismet (not active)
    downML – Download Media Library (not active)
    Google Analytics for WordPress
    Jetpack by WordPress.com (not active)
    Lucky Orange
    Pagerank Tools
    Really simple Facebook Twitter share buttons
    Storeya Feed
    Select Ultimate Tag Cloud Widget
    Ultimate TinyMCE (not active)
    Who Hit The Page – Hit Counter
    WooCommerce – Store Exporter
    WooCommerce First Data Gateway
    WooCommerce Print Invoices & Delivery Notes
    WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers
    WooCommerce Stars Shortcode
    Woo Product Importer
    WooThemes Updater (not active)
    WordPress SEO
    Wordpress Statistics
    WP Minify (not active)

    Our developer/fixer feels that it is the SSL or something that WP Engine is doing that is causing the problem.

    We would appreciate any input.

    Best regards,


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