Just for the record, the https://www.fahlstad.se/about/ legal notice is useless. You can use the plugin for anything you wish. You can hack it, modify it, sell it for a profit, redistribute it, use it for commercial use, etc…. however, you also have to abide by the GPL that governs WP and WPMU…..which is what? That’s right my dear friends and neighbors…..freedom to do as you please….JUST so long you give others the same rights, and not try to take away from them.
“If the program dynamically links plug-ins, and they make function calls to each other and share data structures, we believe they form a single program, which must be treated as an extension of both the main program and the plug-ins. This means the plug-ins must be released under the GPL or a GPL-compatible free software license, and that the terms of the GPL must be followed when those plug-ins are distributed.”
For more info on plugins see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html#GPLAndPlugins
and to brush up on the actual GNU GPL and what it covers see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.html
Just some food for thought ??
Courtney Bostdorff ….. I ain’t scared ??