• coolmagazine


    Hi Jeff,
    I went through the forums, but could not find the proper answer for my problem. I have put the slideshow in my website at https://www.coolmags.net/gadgets. The plugin is working wonderfully well in the chrome browser and mozilla. However there seems to be problem in all versions of IE. The images seems to be not loading. Please offer a fix for it.

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  • My plugin is Thesis, which is a Premium plugin, so I can’t really provide you with a link to the actual download page, but this is their official site. There’s is also a fresh install of this pugin running in one of our test blogs.

    About the plugins, here’s the whole list:

    I. Active:

    1. Admin Menu Editor, ver. 0.2
    2. Akismet, ver. 2.2.7
    3. Cimy User Extra Fields, ver. 1.5.3
    4. Contact Form 7, ver. 2.2 (installed after the issue first occurred)
    5. Donate Plus
    6. Filosofo Comments Preview, ver. 1.5
    7. Frontpage Slideshow, ver. 0.9.7 (no need for a link, ??
    8. Google XML Sitemaps, ver. 3.2.3
    9. IWG Hide Dashboard, ver. 1.0.3. (adds user capability to hide DB)
    10. Maintenance Mode, ver. 5.1
    11. MCE Comments, ver. 0.4.8
    12. Really Simple Captcha, ver. 1.1
    13. Register Plus, ver. 3.5.1
    14. Role Manager, ver. 2.2.3
    15. Sociable, ver. 3.5.2
    16. Subscribe to Comments, ver. 2.1.2
    17. Superslider-login, ver. 0.8 (uses Mootools)
    18. TEBP WP’s Admin Theme, ver. 1.0 beta (custom admin theme plugin, no link)
    19. Thesis OpenHook, ver. 2.2.5 (not adding any code to my theme through this plugin, but it’s activated)
    20. WordPress Database Backup, ver. 2.2.2
    21. WP Ajax Edit Comments, ver.
    22. WP View Subscriber Info, ver. RC 1

    II. Inactive

    1. AddThis Social Bookmarking Widget, ver. 1.5.4
    2. cforms, ver 11.4 (installed after first experiencing the issue)
    3. Dynamic Headers by Nicasio Design, ver. 3.5.1
    4. Hello Dolly, ver. 1.5.1
    5. SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam, ver. 2.5.1
    6. WordPress PayPal Donation Plugin, ver. 1.2
    7. WP-Cumulus, ver 1.23

    I hope this helps you figure out what the issue is. Going to sleep: I’m exausted! ??

    Hi JF. I was wondering if you had a chance to take a deeper look at this, since I’m still experiencing the same issue.
    I don’t know if CoolMagazine was able to figure it out, but both our issues sound very much alike.
    If you don’t have the time to work on this, I totally understand: just let me know and I’ll try to find a different solution.

    I’m having the same issue. Not displaying on IE. All other browser work fine.

    hi guys I’m a newbie but ill through this out there just in case. I was having similar issues with firefox not loading images. In my case safari was fine. I noticed that some of the images were tiffs these were causing the issues in firefox.

    @casey… do not use other formats than jpg, png or gif on internet…

    Just an update. I have it working on every browser EXCEPT IE. I tried turning off all other plugins to see if there was a conflict but I still have the same issue with IE. The buttons show, but only partially and the images do not show at all.

    Any suggestions?

    maybe you need some specific css for IEs or just put all IEs hacks to some specific conditional css…

    Hi Jeff,

    How to put all IEs hacks to some specific conditional css? And where do I need to put the IE hacks?

    The plugin works perfectly on the firefox, but it doesn’t on IE (I’m using IE 8). The pictures on IE are shown bigger than the ‘room’ provided by the theme I’m using. But it fits perfectly on firefox.

    Please help, thanks.

    Same as some of the others, works fine in every browser but IE 8 (found out the hard way – when a boss told me – as I work on Macs). Tried everything I can think of, but nothing. Deactivated all other plug-ins as suggested but that had no effect. Mucked with the code (PHP and CSS) and got it to show eventually (after about 1-2 minutes wait), but then it wouldn’t show on Firefox/Safari, etc. so I switched it back.

    Only using PNG files sized to my slideshow dimension and compressed down as much as I can (and retain decent resolution). Mind boggling, this is…

    SITE: https://www.thehealthadventure.org
    PLUGIN ID: 12819

    I changed the transitions from:
    At the beginning: Slide Left
    At the end: Slide Right

    To the following:
    At the beginning: Jump Up/Slide Up
    At the end: Jump Up/Slide Up

    Now it displays the slide show just fine on IE (and all the other main ones I test on). Bizarre.

    Great plug-in once you get to figuring out how to muck about in it.

    Hi —
    This is driving me bonkers … I’ve read through these postings and have tried everything.

    I’m no programmer, but I’ve more-or-less figured out this plug-in … It works perfectly with all browsers EXCEPT IE.

    Has someone found a solution?

    Clearly not working with IE means it’s not working.

    On IE I get the captioned text in the panel but NO images… ?????

    Hi again,
    I love the look and functionality of this plug-in, but it won’t work for me on IE. I’ve posted a ‘test’ page and I have tried a bunch of different settings, but it never works on IE. Fine with Firefox, Opera, Chrome & Safari. … << note that with Chrome there is no text in the right panel and on IE only the text in the right panel appears — but NO pictures. … I can live with what Chrome is doing >>

    The following is the relevant information. Can you help me make this work or not???.

    Test Post: https://www.longtailnet.com/3374/ <<note I have purposely posted the snippet code — which is then followed by the sample that doesn’t work in IE >>
    Testing with: IE:
    Plugin unique ID is: 16263
    Theme: Atahualpa 3.4.9 – https://wordpress.bytesforall.com/
    WP: Version 3.0.1

    Some attempts –>
    fade, fade – doesn’t work w.IE
    [FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=853 fs_show_prevnext_buttons=1 fs_default_link_to_page_link=1 fs_main_width=350px fs_main_height=390px fs_slide_width=75% fs_buttons_width=25% fs_placeholder_height=325px fs_rounded=0 fs_template=default]

    slide on right, slide on left – doesn’t work w/IE
    [FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=853 fs_show_prevnext_buttons=1 fs_default_link_to_page_link=1 fs_main_width=350px fs_main_height=390px fs_slide_width=75% fs_buttons_width=25% fs_placeholder_height=325px fs_transition=slideright fs_transition_on=slideleft fs_rounded=0 fs_template=default]

    drop (fade & slide) out/down – doesn’t work w/IE
    [FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=853 fs_show_prevnext_buttons=1 fs_default_link_to_page_link=1 fs_main_width=325px fs_main_height=390px fs_slide_width=75% fs_buttons_width=25% fs_placeholder_height=325px fs_transition=dropout fs_transition_on=dropout fs_rounded=0 fs_template=default]

    jump-up – doesn’t work w/IE
    [FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=853 fs_show_prevnext_buttons=1 fs_default_link_to_page_link=1 fs_main_width=325px fs_main_height=390px fs_slide_width=75% fs_buttons_width=25% fs_placeholder_height=325px fs_transition=jumpup fs_transition_on=jumpup fs_rounded=0 fs_template=default]


    Here is my work around (I have x’d out specific information to our site)

    // added by xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx – in order to add the slideshow using the frontpage-slideshow plugin
    echo do_shortcode(‘[FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=x fs_slides=x]’);

    Also, we used this in our header, instead of in a page, so we hard-coded it into our header.php file of our theme. If it is in a page or a post, it should be the same, though. Make sure there are no other plugins that are causing it to break (i.e., disable ALL other plugins and then test this plugin and then re-able plugins one at a time while testing your site in IE).

    I found if I included ALL of the shortcode it didn’t work in IE but if I only included the specific category (fs_cats) and the maximum number of slides to display (fs_slides), then it worked in all newer browsers (Chrome, Safari, IE 7 and 8, Opera and Firefox).

    Best of luck…

    Hello Omgraphics —
    Thanks for your reply. I have tried what you have suggested including deactivating in sequence all other plug-ins. I don’t want the Slideshow to appear on every page of my website … actually just on my ‘home’ page.

    Hence, I’ve placed your suggested shortened short code:
    –> [FrontpageSlideshow fs_cats=853 fs_slides=2] <—
    Currently posted on a test post/page: https://www.longtailnet.com/3374/

    With this short code, I’ve also tried a number of different image on/off effects in the SlideShow admin area. And I’ve even tried to have it ‘auto post’ to the home page, which is the principal place I wanted it anyway …

    NO LUCK — All tested browsers work except IE….

    Any additional notions???????

    NOTE: I’m not a programmer. But with careful instructions I have on occasion made small changes to my theme’s php files. The current load of my theme however does NOT include any changes to the php files. I needed to do this to include flash in the header — which I’m no longer doing …

    Gosh, I’d love to make this work … I’ve tried a bunch of different promo type sliders — this is clearly the best of the lot…. But, no IE — means not good.

    Another thought is turning off all periphreal functions of the slideshow, i.e., the “Show Buttons”, “Show Buttons”, etc. I vaguely remember something there bugging up on IE.

    Also, you mention “‘auto post’ to the home page” which I am not sure what you mean. Did you set the slideshow to Insert on Front Page? There is a place to set it with the CONFIGURATION screen to set it to display either just on the home page or everywhere else in post. If you want it to display just on the home page, make sure to set it up that way in the CONFIGURATION page.

    It is under the “ABOUT INSERTING THE SLIDESHOW” drop down menu in CONFIGURATION.

    Otherwise, I can’t figure out what is going on without seeing everything. Hope you get it worked out.

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