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  • Hi !
    Same kind of problem for me :
    The thumbnails are not centered in their box.
    How can i fix that ?

    Other problem : when i click on a thumbnail, the gallery open well, but images are under the header !

    I found this regarding the gallery images floating below the header and menu. (I’m still looking for a way to center the thumbnails in the box, though!)

    edit the style.css file.

    go to

    #branding {
    border-top: 2px solid #bbb;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 9999;

    change the value of z-index to 3.

    The z-index of the fanctbox div is 1102, so anything under 1102 will make the header appear under it

    Thank you !

    But i had to remove the Gallery plugin because it cause mysfonction with a theme frome ElegantThemes (Deepfocus)!! There’s a featured slider in homepage, but when the Gallery Plugin is activated, it doesn’t work !

    (For center thumbnail in the box, i erased the border ! It’s not centered but it’s not visible.)

    I got the same problem. After I replace the value of “text-align”, it works fine now.
    Path: /wp-content/plugins/galeery-plugin/css/stylesheet.css

    .gallery .gllr_image_block {
    float: left;

    RexLo— I am having the same problem, my thumbnail images are not centered. I am a confused about where you changed that CSS?

    I found the page where you changed the CSS, but what exactly do I change to get my thumbnails centered?

    I found the page where you changed the CSS, but what exactly do I change to get my thumbnails centered?

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