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  • Plugin Author GallerySharePlugin


    Dear woodyhayday,

    I appreciate your comment.
    I know that you are selling and trying to promote here a similar plugin. We have checked it, and it has little in common in terms of technical execution with Gallery Share.
    At the same time, from what I can see, our plugin works in a different way. To make a few key points:
    – we use a combined server-side plus client-side way of acquiring target images
    – we generate Facebook tags so you can share the actual image you want to share and not a random one
    – we use MD5 hashes to uniquely identify images, and not just share the first/second image in the page, whichever that may be

    Lastly, we are glad to be able to offer a free version alternative to a paid-only solution, and one that does the job better I might say.

    I will close this thread now, as it’s not relevant to any real tech problem related to the plugin.

    Best regards

    Thread Starter woodyhayday


    Just to be clear, a chunk of over 70% of your code is directly copied from Social Gallery with renamed functions and variables, whether you have added a few features or not it’s still using old Social Gallery code.

    Kindly write your own code rather than stealing others as a starting point.

    Plugin Author GallerySharePlugin


    Our code is a reimplementation of a similar idea in a better way and was created by our programmers. Unfortunately there are only so many ways a feature can be implemented, so this is bound to generate some similarities.
    I can understand that you find this plugin as a threat to your paid solution, but it’s normal to have free quality alternatives to paid code.
    I agree with you on one point: your plugin has more features at the moment, but we will work our way up to the same level in time.

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