• Had an issue right after the upgrade, when posting/updating posts I was getting a never ending load. If I stopped my browser loading the site and go back to the WP edit screen the post will be there. The fix seems to be unchecking the two cache settings, now seems to be working fine. And this is definitely a GD Star Plugin issue as turning the plugin off or doing the above fixes the issue right away.


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  • OK, I will check this. I didn’t noticed any problem my self, but it may be something minor.

    I tested everything and I can’t find the problem. Maybe is combination with some other plugin?

    When you get problem like that, there is an error behind it. If you can provide me with the error (server error log or something like that), I will be able to fix it. Since I can’t reproduce the problem on any of my websites (all running 2.9) or my clients websites, I can’t do much.

    I have something a bit similar on a WP 2.9.1. When editing post or pages, the post editing area does not appear at all.
    Firebug reports jQuery("#gdsr_timer_date_value").datepicker is not a function

    When I turn GD Star Rating off, it works fine again.

    OK, this is useful now. Fix is coming in 1.8.1 on Sunday evening, along with few more bugs. Thanks for reporting this.

    Thanks for being so quick ??

    Thanks for the upgrade. The jquery bug notice disappeared. However, I still can’t display the post or page form in the add/edit area. All I get is the title.

    I think it has something to do with the website itself but I’d like to find what. I’m ready to help but can you tell me :

    – which function(s) affect the post / page edit.
    – what is the minimum php5 version required ?


    Plugin requires PHP5, but it works on PHP4 (problems can cause some very old and very specific settings in PHP.ini). I have tested everything on a basic WP 2.9.1 with latest GD Star Rating and no other plugins active, and I always work in WP debug mode, so even the warnings will be displayed, not only errors, and there are no issues with any aspect of WordPress.

    And post/page edit is affected by standard WordPress hooks that are designed for that to add 2 meta boxes. But since your page stops loading after title, than there is nothing GD Star Rating can do in that area. If you can get the error PHP generates (server log or something like that), this error will tell why the page stopped loading.

    Post that error here, maybe I can help with it.

    I know it’s ok on a fresh WP install now since you fixed the ajax issue. However, my problem occurs on a site affected by many plugins and I cannot identify which one is in conflict.
    Therefore, I’d like to test to desactivate those metaboxes (just in case). Tell me were the hook is called please.

    If by any chance I manage to fix it, I’ll test it on the fresh install and give you a feedback.


    Just forget what I said, after checking a few things, all I can say is that the project I’m working on is an awfull big mess with many plugins piled up together. So GD is certainly not the problem.

    Thanks for all your support.

    OK, but I will try to help you if you can find the error.

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