Hi webvitality, I suspect that info plugin mistakes any get_option() for an SQL query. This is not true as default options get loaded from the database in one big query by WordPress. Read more on https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/27717/are-all-options-loaded-to-memory-on-each-request for example. Easy FancyBox does not do any database queries on its own…
There is one possible exception: if you installed Easy FancyBox but have not changed or even saved the default options on Settigns > Media yet. In that case, there are no database options set (yet) while the active plugin tries to load them. This will cause WordPress to double-check the database for these options and that will show as these extra queries.
A quick fix is to go to Settings > Media and even if you’re happy with the default settings, hit the Save button.
That said, I am planning on merging all (or many of) these options into one options array. This will look cleaner in the database and only cause a small amount of extra queries when options are not saved yet.
Hope that explanation helps ??