• Hi Travis,
    I updated the GCPTA plugin to .6.2. If I have it activated with Genesis Simple Sidebars, all the sidebars on my site disappear. Both plugins work okay, so long as the other is not active. :/

    Feel free to take a look at a page where I’m using GCPTA:
    https://www.fortworthretail.org/local-business (I’ve currently got GCPTA enabled and GSS disabled).

    Not related, but possibly interesting…The first widget area in the sidebar is Genesis Featured Posts. It’s set to only show the latest 2 posts. It returns 2 posts as expected everywhere on the site except for the GCPTA page linked above, where it returns all posts.

    If it’s be helpful to swim around the admin area on the site, I’d be glad to send a login.

    Thanks for your help.



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  • cdils – wish I could answer this, but am just hoping this helps Travis help you…

    Travis – Perhaps totally unrelated, perhaps not, but a month ago I was having what seems like a similar issue with Genesis bbPress Extend + GSS that Jared Atchinson helped me track down and hack around.

    Quoting Jared (this fixed worked for me)”:

    The easiest and quickest fix is to add this to print_meta

    public static function print_meta() {
    if ( is_bbpress() )

    This way if any bbPress page is triggers the plugin bails.

    Doing a little looking under the hood, it’s the get_meta_singular() function that gets run and ends up killing the loop some where along the way. Im going to come back and see if I can figure out what in the function is screwing things up, but for now I would just use the conditional above that keeps the plugin from running on bbPress pages.

    Obviously that won’t work for cdils, but I’m just guessing maybe the get_meta_singular function is similarly to blame here.

    Also cdils – just checking that on the CPT Archives setting page in the dashboard you do have the checkbox for “Add Support for Simple Sidebars for {post_type} Post Type? checked, yes?

    Thread Starter Carrie Dils


    Hey Jon,
    Thanks for the input and extra info.

    Yeah – I’ve got SS support box checked. As it happens, I’m using the default sidebar on that archive page anyhow, so toggling the support on/off doesn’t impact things in this case. BUT, it’s cool that it’s there and I could change sidebars if I wanted to. ??


    I updated the GCPTA plugin to .6.2. If I have it activated with Genesis Simple Sidebars, all the sidebars on my site disappear. Both plugins work okay, so long as the other is not active.

    I’m having the exact same problem!

    Plugin Author Travis Smith


    I will be checking on this today!!

    Plugin Author Travis Smith


    The plugin has been updated with a fix.

    Thread Starter Carrie Dils


    Hey Travis,
    Just updated the plugin and I’m getting this error outputting before the headers:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘remove_ss_support’ was given in /home/content/05/6675105/html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 403

    I disabled Genesis Simple Sidebars to see if that affected the error, but it didn’t.

    Potential conflict with another plugin?


    Plugin Author Travis Smith


    Sorry. Typo. Remove/Replace, same thing right!?

    Ever since this latest update there is now an issue where if it is not an archive page it is outputting my sidebar widgets twice.
    Check it out at https://www.dayzon.ca

    I tried to go in and add is_post_type_archive() where I thought it would be needed but couldn’t get a fix.

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