Well, the error is somehow “normal” because the additional javascript code tries to init two Google maps although the required <div>-containers are missing. So the basic problem is that the plugin creates javascript code for three maps.
It’s also not weird that the automic map is not affected because this features uses a different Worpress function than the [gmap] shortcode. The automap is only a filter and adds the <div> container at the beginning/end of a post.
The thing I don’t understand is that the plugin creates code for three maps but only one <div> container because everytime a shortcode is processed, both actions should be executed.
But I guess you might be right, that this issue could be connected with your multilanguage plugin. It’s conceivable that this might affect the way Worpress handles the shortcodes. If possible, I would recommend you to completely disable the multilanguage plugin just to see what’s happening. Btw: what’s the name of your plugin?
Maybe I can install the plugin on my weblog and see if I get the same error. In case this doesn’t help I can have a closer look at your weblog if you want to, but I’m afraid that therefore it might be neccessray to get access to edit the plugin and to create some posts for testing purposes.
Great! I didn’t expect the options to make so much trouble…