• can the thumbnails link to the article in a new window?

    the code need target=”_blank”

    but i don’t know how to add target=”_blank” under the function-style or query-string-style

    can you give a sample ?

    thankyou very much!

    Thankyou for your plugin!

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  • This plugin has a support forum specifically for it.

    no, the thumbnails CAN NOT link to the article in a new window… i think the author is being a little bit stingy in at least not answering that.

    Anyway, I’ve used this plugin extensively, and it works well in 2.8… for me. I’ve also had a modification made to this plugin so that it links to the full size image… if you want i’ll give you the name of the guy who made the mod… he’s great to work with.

    no, the thumbnails CAN NOT link to the article in a new window

    Yes, they can.

    Sure it can link to the article in any form you want it to, I sort of explain it in this blog post https://pappmaskin.no/2010/03/how-to-make-the-wordpress-plugin-get_the_image-work-with-timthumb/

    You can ask Get the image to return the data it finds as an array of data, and with this data you can build the link and the img tag in any way you want, instead of using the default method the plugin gives you.

    Example //get the info about the image as an array instead of as a finished img tag and store it in a variable, like so
    $get_the_image_as_array = get_the_image( array( ‘image_scan’ => true, ‘format’ => ‘array’, ‘width’ => 220 ) );

    //remove the // on the next line if you want to see what the array contains

    //example of things you can output
    echo $get_the_image_as_array[link];
    echo $get_the_image_as_array[url];
    echo $get_the_image_as_array[alt];

    With this info you can build the a href manually, and use target=”_blank” if you want to, and the same with the img tag.

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