• I made a few modifications to fit my needs – some of these suggestions might fit into the roadmap of the plugin (for the developer to decide)

    .htaccess –

    I used:

    RewriteRule ^go/([A-Za-z0-9]+)/?$ /index.php?gocode=$1 [L]

    No R flag because I don’t want it to redirect to index.php?gocode=whatever then to the page – I just want it to redirect once.

    gocodes.php –

    I updated line ~ 80 from:

    header("Location: $gocode_target");


    header ('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
    header('Location: '.$gocode_target);

    302 is a search engine friendly – aka moved permanently redirect. Short url’s are great for people but make sure they are good to SEO as well.

    I added this as line 219 (before the if)

    $basewpurl = get_option('siteurl');

    And modified the now line 223 from

    echo "<tr class='alternate'> <td>".$gocode->key1."<br /></td> <td>".wsc_gocodes_truncate($gocode->target)."</td> <td style=\"text-align: center\">".$gocode->hitcount."</td> <td><a href='".GOCODES_URL."&editgc=".$gocode->id."'>Edit</a></td> <td><a href='".GOCODES_URL."&deletegc=".$gocode->id."' class='delete'>Delete</a></td> </tr>";


    echo '<tr class="alternate"> <td>'.$gocode->key1.'<br />'.$basewpurl.'/go/'.$gocode->key1.'</td> <td>'.wsc_gocodes_truncate($gocode->target).'</td> <td style="text-align: center">'.$gocode->hitcount.'</td> <td><a href="'.GOCODES_URL.'&editgc='.$gocode->id.'">Edit</a></td> <td><a href="'.GOCODES_URL.'&deletegc='.$gocode->id.'" class="delete">Delete</a></td> </tr>';

    To clean up the HTML output and display the full small url for easy triple click copy paste goodness.

    To the author: I’d be happy to commit these changes to SVN if you are interested in adding this to a new release.


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  • Sure, I’ll add you to the commit-ers list. Shoot me an email if you have any questions, my contact information is available in the README.

    Well, I went ahead and made your suggested changes myself. Look for them in 1.2.7.

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