• I forgot to fill in the Google Authenticator field on my site, and got passed straight to the Duo Authentication screen. I approved the Duo login request from my phone, and was taken straight to my dashboard.

    Deactivating Duo caused leaving the code field blank to reject login, as it should.

    Not sure what can be done about this, but thought I’d report it.


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  • Hmm how about only using one Two factor authentication system ?

    Best regards
    Henrik Schack

    Or in other words: Not really sure what to do about it ??
    Best regards
    Henrik Schack

    Thread Starter dgw


    I must say, I’m glad you followed up. That first post by itself wouldn’t have come off very well.

    Anyway, I figure that if two factors is good, three must be better. Maybe at some point I’ll find the conflict.

    Maybe this forum thread holds an idea. It seems relevant. I’ll send it to the Duo developers as well.

    If I’m understanding the forum thread correctly, it seems you don’t get any additional security by adding an additional authentication method since just one has to succeed.
    Or am I misunderstanding the forum tread ?
    Best regards
    Henrik Schack

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