• Resolved gilesc1029


    Good Morning,

    This looks like a great plugin and it is exactly what I am looking for for my website.
    However, I cannot get anything to appear on my website.
    I am new to web design and am likely doing something wrong. I cannot find an answer to this by searching the forums.

    I have two documents on Google Docs that are open to anyone with the link. I have used ever possible formation of your code:

    [gview file=”https://full-path.to/file.pdf”%5D

    with the address that the document it on:


    I have also tried the addresses given on the Google docs page in the box labeled:
    “Link to this page”
    – Paste in email or IM:
    – Embed in webpage or blog:

    I don’t know if the address I am using is correct, because it is much longer than any of the addresses shown in your examples.

    The only way I can get anything to show up on the page is with the embed link given on the Google docs page:

    <iframe width=100% height=560px frameborder=0 src=https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=false&embedded=true&srcid=0B3Z6JIUA66GhZWZjY2IxOWItYjdmMS00ZjZlLWE5Y2QtZmZhMTI0ZWZiMjA0&authkey=CNvC4qYD&hl=en></iframe>

    When I use it, I have no need of the [gview file=”https://full-path.to/file.pdf”%5D code, but there is also no way to make the download link appear at the bottom of the viewer.

    The end state I am trying to achieve is to have the doc show up in the viewer on the page with the download link below it.
    Any assistance and guidance into what I am doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you

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  • The plugin works best with files hosted on your wordpress site – or any other public location. Google Docs requires login, so is not the best place to store your files to use this plugin. The plugin utilizes the standalone viewer from Google Docs and is not integrated with Google Docs as a whole.

    I recommend you upload the file to your wordpress site and link to it from there. Then you will have the option for the file to embed along with a download link.

    Perhaps you know this already, but https://full-path.to/file.pdf is only a place holder. Replace this dummy link with the link to your actual file.

    Thread Starter gilesc1029


    Hi there,

    Thank you for getting back to me. I tried that as well, but it does not seem to be working. I uploaded both documents, but I can only get the first window to show up.
    This is the code I am entering for the viewer that IS showing up:

    [gview file=”https://gilesclarke.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Website-Resume.pdf”%5D

    and this is the code I am entering for the window that ISN’T showing up:

    [gview file=”https://gilesclarke.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Website-Creative-Resume.pdf”%5D

    Any insight into why one would show up and the other wouldn’t would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    Use “view source” to check the code on the page, looking for “gde”. As per the documentation, errors are printed in HTML comments rather than on the page itself, at the place where the failed viewer is called. Alternatively you can email me (support link in your plugin list) the URL of the problem page and I can check for the error.

    Thread Starter gilesc1029


    Thank you for all of the help. The viewer is working perfectly now.
    I had several several spaces below the code to the bottom of the comment box, when I erased those so that the code was just above the bottom of the comment box, it showed up on the webpage. I don’t know how it started working, but it seems to be going fine now and looks great. Thanks again!

    I’m glad it’s working correctly for you now, thanks for the feedback!

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