• Hi,

    I’m currently working on a new version of the plugin which will have some major changes. To test this new features, I need your help. You can grab the new version here:


    Please note that it is in a very early stage and not suitable for production sites. Please also note that you have to delete your sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz after installation since they are not used anymore (but break the new plugin).

    What has changed:
    Dynamic sitemap generation
    There are no static files anymore. This will solve 99% of the problems users are having. All content is generated dynamically.

    Sitemap Index File
    To reduce the amount of needed CPU and memory, the sitemap is split into sub-sitemaps. The main sitemap file is now only a index file which links to them. With that change you can have an unlimited number of URLs as long as they are spread over multiple months.

    WordPress MU support
    Without having static files, MU and multi-site support is no problem anymore.

    New developer API
    With the new API, developers can build plugins which can create sub-sitemaps to support an unlimited number of items.


    • Install the plugin normally
    • Delete your existing sitemap.xml and sitemap.xml.gz
    • Browse to https://www.yourblog.com/sitemap.xml if using rewrite permalinks, or index.php?xml_sitemap=index if not.

    At the moment, WordPress 3.0 and PHP 5.2 is the only tested configuration. Please let me know if you have problems with other setups.


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  • Still the same error:
    ERROR: sitemap is not a valid feed template.

    I ended up not reinstalling its too much work to reinstall from scratch I have two months for setup and getting things running good together. I really want to try and make your plug in work.
    i did re-downloaded B3 and it did not work.

    aparently last version work great for my site paraIsrael, however some links are broken for some reason, great improvement from last version that consumed too much memory!

    My problem is solved..without doing anything, now google is happy:)

    Arne, I am also on the newest version and still getting the 404 error randomly.

    I also took a look at the headers and it looks like even when there isn’t a 404 being shown to the user it is throwing a 404 response in the headers instead of a 200.

    I’m using the latest beta release on a multisite, but am getting a 404 Error – Page Not Found for my sitemap, even though in the settings the plugin states:

    The URL to your sitemap index file is: this

    I tried uninstalling the plugin and doing a fresh install, but that had no effect. Any ideas on how to fix?

    I’m on WP 3.0.1, using 4.0b3.

    On my primary blog, it works perfectly.

    On a sub-blog, I get a 404 error when I click on the suggested link where I should find the sitemap.

    I also noticed that above the sitemap link, either on my primary blog where it works or the sub-blogs where it doesn’t, it says: “Result of the last ping, started on January 1, 1970 12:00am”

    I just noticed something very interesting.

    4.0b3 works perfectly with my primary & sub-blogs when on WordPress 3.0.1 with DB 15477 on PHP 5.2.14


    I get a 404 error for my sub-blog’s sitemap when on WordPress 3.0.1 with DB 15477 on PHP 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5


    I use the latest 4.0b3 because I have multi sites but I have on a multi site more than 1000 posts per day and for example…
    https://mysubdomain.domain.net/sitemap-post-2010-11.xml is not working because it has 1000 posts.

    Same thing for https://mysubdomain.domain.net/sitemap-tax-post_tag.xml because I have more than 3000 tags.

    Could it be posible to organise the sitemaps per day
    and if it contains more than 100 articles to split it
    or something like it.

    P.S.: Sometimes I get error 805303f4.

    Too let you know I’m at the moment re-installing everything from a blank slate.
    I will let you know how the new b3 is after its installed I had a problem with another plug in.

    I’m back Spent all day redoing everything. Got all plug-ins that I had a problem with working with the exception of yours.
    Using Beta 3 But this time I think I have an error message to give you from debug.
    WordPress 3.0.1 with DB 15477 on PHP 5.2.14 is my php version and wp version

    Sitemap Content and Errors, Warnings, Notices
    Sitemap: misc/(No parameters) by GoogleSitemapGeneratorStandardBuilder
    Notice: Undefined index: class in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/google-sitemap-generator/sitemap-core.php on line 1439
        * https://bloginsphere.com/
        * https://bloginsphere.com/forum/announcements/welcome-to-the-bloginsphere/

    Really Need this Working.

    EDITED: My user site works https://mitch.bloginsphere.com/sitemap.xml

    A thought: Can something in the theme course this to happen?

    Couldn’t edit again passed the hour

    Tested main blog with twenty Ten theme and sitemap didn’t work on main blog.

    Hi Arne!

    Do you have an estimate on when the multisite-updated XML Sitemaps plugin version will be ready?

    We’ve been holding off migrating our several WordPress sites into a single Multisite one until then. ??


    I started having issues recently with the 3.x series of this plugin, so I switched to the beta version. I’m on 4.0b3 It generates everything perfectly. Love the new ideas that went into it as well.

    I can view the sitemap perfectly if I head to https://skattertech.com/sitemap.xml

    However, according to Google Webmaster Tools, it says “We encountered an error while trying to access your Sitemap. Please ensure your Sitemap follows our guidelines and can be accessed at the location you provided and then resubmit.”

    Don’t know if I’m doing something wrong on my end, but just wanted to see if anyone else is having the same issue.


    Hi Arne,

    Thank you very much for this fantastic plugin.
    My problem is not solved by upgrading to the latest version. Any update on this?
    Just to remind you, I am getting this error in my main site (other sites are all good):
    ERROR: sitemap is not a valid feed template.

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