• Resolved tmuka


    Not sure why the “back to directory” link on entry details page is linking to the wrong page. The page instead of my “members” page, it is linking to my “contact” page which also has a gravity form on it with a form id=2 instead of 1. It’s probably a small bug to fix- i may dig around in the code to see what I can do.


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  • I’m having the same problem. “back to directory” goes to my download page, which does not have a gravity form on it. It happens in Foxfire 9 with WP 3.0.

    For me, it’s linking back to my main blog page.

    There seems to be a bug with WP’s menu and the “back to” link. When I click to view a single entry, WP’s menu gets the URL parameters appended to each item. This seems to only be affecting pages and not post categories.

    That said, a person could probably hard code (ewwwwwwww) in your link in place of $href in gravity-forms-addons.php on this line:

    $link = apply_filters('kws_gf_directory_backlink', '<p class="entryback"><a href="'.$href.'">'.esc_html($entryback).'</a></p>', $href, $entryback);

    I’m still tinkering and if I find the issue, I’ll post the solution.

    Plugin Author Zack Katz


    This should be fixed in version 3.2.2. Sorry for the delay; I’ve been very busy! Please let me know if you continue to have issues.

    Also, @rsainteractive – the proper way to do that would be to create your own link using:

    add_filter('kws_gf_directory_backlink', 'your_custom_link_creator', 3);
    function your_custom_link_creator($current_link, $url, $entryback) {
    	// You can return the replacement HTML with a custom url based on the passed $url variable. You could do a str_replace, for example.
    	return $current_link;
    Thread Starter tmuka


    Thanks, Zack, i’ll check it out!

    I just uploaded the latest version (3.2.2) using automatic update on the WP Plugin page. Now the “Back to Directory” link just reloads the same single-entry page. If I select Directory from my menu after going to a single-entry page, that same page just re-loads. (This is better than what happened before the update, when I landed on the Download page!) To get back to the table directory, I have to load another page and then reload the directory page.

    I have the same problem as @rebl27. Also, if I display the directory below the single entry, it won’t load any other entries, it just keeps loading the same one you’re already on.

    I’m having the same problem as rebl27 and orgassist.

    running GF Directory and Addons 3.2.2

    and GF version 1.6.2

    I have v3.2.2 and using permalinks. My back to directory link goes nowhere ??

    Same thing happens here: The back link from a single entry just takes you to the same entry instead of the directory overview.

    I too am using permalinks. My Back to directory button returns /#lead_row_84

    Has anyone figured out how to delete or stub out “Back to directory”?

    This is a useful plugin, except it doesn’t support permalinks. The Search Engines won’t index our hundreds of entries.

    I found the fix, in the WordPress short code add: entryback=””

    Ok, that’s great martinog, but where do you put this?

    @MouseClcks – You place it in the Shortcode on your WordPress page.

    [directory form=”1″ page_size=”150″ approved=”true” entryback=””? lightboxsettings=”images” sort=”1″ dir=”ASC”]

    The entryback=”” shortcode didn’t actually fix the problem for me, it just removes the link. Is this the same for everyone else?

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