Hi @lenasterg,
As I understand it, your latest version of the plugin is compatible with WP v3.3.3, but that’s still in beta.
Do you have a version of your plugin which words with WordPress 3.3.2 and BuddyPress v1.5.5 ? (for a production release).
The specific problem we’ve found is that general.js is not being loaded on the group pages. (It is loaded on the home page however).
UPDATE: On line 27 of cssjs.php you are calling:
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'bp_group_documents_front_cssjs', 1 );
Is there any reason why you’re using ‘template_redirect’ instead of ‘wp_head’ (which appears to resolve the problem) i.e. replace the line above with:
add_action( 'wp_head', 'bp_group_documents_front_cssjs', 100);
*Note I have used the priority parameter (100) having taken a cue from the file bp-core-cssjs.php
There are still other issues, but so far these appear to be more to do with styling / integration with the theme in use.
Many thanks