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  • Dalton: I’ve tested in Safari, Chrome, and Firefox (all latest revs) on OSX 10.6.8. I’ve tested on Windows Vista in the same three browsers plus IE and had no issues with the widget installed. I only have issues on the Mac with Firefox with the widget installed.

    I do not have any other Flash stuff, but do have a number of js scripts running. I’m running a child of Suffusion. I’ll try to do some more testing offline with the default theme and work up from there. (Probably not today, though.) When I find something I;ll let you know. Other than that, great plugin!


    I also have the Firefox problem where the audio will not play

    The play button changes to pause when clicked but there is no sound. There is no error message. Neither Firebug nor Ad /Flashblocker or Google Translate are installed & Ive tried disabling just about everything including all my WordPress plugins (including theme changes). I have tested using Haiku 0.4.5 with no modifications and am using WordPress 3.3.1 twentyeleven theme & Firefox 11. Like I say everything works fine in all other browsers.

    url is

    Thanks a lot


    Just replace Line 34 in haiku-player.js:

    with this code:

    if($.browser.mozilla) {
        $("div[id^=haiku-text-player]").each(function() {
            if($(this).is(":visible")) $(this).jPlayer("stop");
    } else {

    works perfect on Firefox and doesn’t break anything on other browsers!!!

    I’m having an issue with this error as well. But, unlike everyone else, this problem is only in the Metro version of Internet Explorer 10, which disables add-ons. Of course, it’s possible that this is a glitch in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview and that it will be fixed in the Release Preview or the final shipping version.

    Update: The problem actually occurs in both IE10 Metro and Firefox (as with everyone else). Firebug is also disabled.

    Here’s the website, for reference: This is the only plugin I have enabled, and the theme is called “Titanium Folio.”

    Plugin Author Dalton Rooney


    Wolfkain’s update appears to be the most promising fix for this issue. We’re in the process of overhauling the plugin, including an update to the latest version of jPlayer, and we’re testing Wolfkain’s fix for inclusion.

    Can’t say for the Windows 8 problem, we won’t be able to test that until the final version is released. But since IE10 should support HTML5 audio by default, we should be able to turn off the Flash requirement for that version.

    Thanks for the quick response, Dalton. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get Wolfkain’s solution to work in IE10 or Firefox. I did, of course, attempt to change the if statement to work with IE.

    I’ve also been informed that the error appears on the desktop version of IE10 when Flash isn’t installed.

    I’m glad to hear that there’s an update coming, because I think this is a fantastic plugin.

    Plugin Author Dalton Rooney


    Hi Master Devwi,
    Can I ask a small favor? I’ve never actually been able to reproduce the problem in Firefox on any of my sites, so I still technically don’t know what’s causing it. I wonder if you can test one of the audio players on this page in IE10:

    And see if you experience the same problem? I have never experienced the Firefox bug on this site, which receives 100k + visitors a month.

    I would really appreciate it.


    Yeah, it works great on your site. My site’s theme must be causing some sort of conflict, then.

    Plugin Author Dalton Rooney


    One thing I notice about your theme right off the bat, it’s loading a script called “jquery-1.4.1-and-plugins.min.js. That means you’ve got an older version of jQuery loading, and jQuery is loaded twice, because our plugin loads it too.

    WordPress has a feature called enqueue_scripts that’s supposed to prevent this from happening, but I guess your theme developer didn’t use it. Combining jQuery with other scripts like that is also bad form.

    You may be able to work around this by adding the following to your theme’s functions.php:

    <?php add_action('init', 'remove_jquery');
    function remove_jquery() {
     wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
    } ?>

    This should remove our version of jQuery, leaving only the version loaded by your theme. It’s a workaround (the theme should really be fixed) but it could work.


    Thanks Dalton! I guess I’ll have to add that to the list of bugs to send to the theme developer.

    I tried adding the code to functions.php, but it didn’t seem to fix the issue. Of course, it’s possible I added it incorrectly. I tried it in a few places to no avail.

    I’m having the same error in the Windows 8 Release Preview (which has a limited version of Flash built into IE10), so I guess I’ll have to see what I can do about fixing the theme or contacting the developer (who doesn’t seem to respond to customers anymore).

    Hi all- I am having some trouble here, not specific to just Firefox. The player was working fine for me for the past week i have been using it, but all of a sudden today it’s not working anymore : (

    Your input would be appreciated! I need to get this site finished so if I can’t resolve easily I’ll have to find another MP3 player solution. Thank you!

    Plugin Author Dalton Rooney


    If it was working before and isn’t anymore, that sounds like a conflict with another plugin. Try disabling them one at a time until you find the culprit.

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