• Resolved garkim


    I have attempted to activate the Hide Login plugin and I am getting a 404 page error when going to the new login location. I am using BulletProof and wonder if that plugin is creating a conflict thus not allowing Hide Login to work correctly.

    I have enabled the plugin,
    Created a login slug
    Left Login Redirect to WordPress Admin
    Created a Logout slug
    Created and Admin Slug
    I have tried both Hide Mode Enabled and Disabled.
    Hide mode disabled – Login Slug doesn’t redirect
    Hide mode enabled – Login slug, wp-admin, and wp-login show 404 no page error.

    Is this due to a conflict in BulletProof? Should I disable bullet proof then enable Hide Login then reactivate BulletProof?



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  • Plugin Author parswp


    maybe that’s the BPS made trouble! if this is the case, you can’t use both at the same time. disable BPS ( assure if its rules are omitted from .htaccess file ) and see if hide login works!

    I have just installed this plugin, I set it up to hide my login page and I created a custom slug for my new login page. The I tested it and it did actually hide my defalult https://www.site.com/wp-login

    But when I try to log into my website from the new slug I created I get a “No Results Found” error message.

    Then I uninstalled the plugin and I removed it and the problem still persists!!! I’m desperate, I lost access to my site ??

    Where you able to make it work? What did you do?


    Thread Starter garkim


    Open your .htaccess file and remove the code that has the hide login rules.


    I think this plugin doesn’t work when it is running together with the W3 Total Cache plugin.

    I was just able to fix this problem. If anyone else is struggling with this, I want to share what I did to fix it.

    1) Disable the plugin
    2) Using a FTP program open your .htaccess file. The .htaccess file is located in public_html / .htaccess
    3) Delete the code that has been added by Hide Login. Usually you need to delete everything from # HIDE-LOGIN to # END HIDE-LOGIN

    That should fix the problem, at least it did fix it in my case. Note that it may take a few minutes after you upload the new file for the changes to take effect.

    Plugin Author parswp


    that isn’t the case, i’m running both of them at the same.
    W3 Total Cache is not a problem!!

    Thank you “mako2”
    1) Disable the plugin
    2) Using a FTP program open your .htaccess file. The .htaccess file is located in public_html / .htaccess
    3) Delete the code that has been added by Hide Login. Usually you need to delete everything from # HIDE-LOGIN to # END HIDE-LOGIN

    This solved my problem!

    I got mine to work by removing this line of code in the .htaccess:
    RewriteRule ^exit store/wp-login.php?action=logout&_wpnonce=2f3538a9ec&hide_out_key=BkkO5034 [L]

    For some reason it would not let me log out but once I removed this line it works :-)!! Also I have not encountered the virus URL but I will scan the DB/plugin folder to make sure.

    Another thing is the “&” for some reason was written in HTML in the htaccess (?hide_in_key=hqa60C7–>&<—redirect_to=https://patrickmediagroup.com/store/wp-admin/_)
    So I had to change it and it fixed my other redirect issue. Hope this helps!

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