I also started off with a blank page – so I dug into the code with Firebug, and the error I originally had was:
Error: syntax error
Source File: https://site/page-with-hmp_player-shortcode
Line: 257, Column: 15
Source Code:
So I added single quotes around the $songs->rating output on line 176 of the “index.php” file in the plugin directory. That fixed that issue and the player and list of songs shows up on the page, but nothing played still – next got the generic “$ is not a function” (standard jQuery “oops” error).
So I further modified the index.php file by:
* Commenting out the jQuery library call (line 146), since I’ve already got the latest jQuery running on my WP site, and then
* Modified the jQuery call prefix on lines 203 and 206 from:
to the standard no conflict replacement:
And now I’m not getting any further errors ??