• Hi,
    I’m feeding the output of HF into a shortcode. if data (lets say the feed title) contains brackets [], then my shortcode stops working. It basically sees those brackets as the end or begning to my shortcode. Is there a way to escape/convert/replace brackets in the feed data to a different character before I feed it to my shortcode? Maybe we can modify HF code to covert brackets to their ASCII equivalent &#91 and &#93?

    let’s say if the feed_title is “News from this source [PICTURES]” then in [my_shortcode change_title=”{{feed_title}}”], brackets around the word ‘PICTURES’ mess up my shortcode.



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  • Plugin Contributor Jason


    That’s an issue unfortunately with WordPress itself – from the page at https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Shortcode_API

    Square Brackets

    The shortcode parser does not accept square brackets within attributes. Thus the following will fail:

    [tag attribute=”[Some value]”]

    Note: these limitations may change in future versions of WordPress, you should test to be absolutely sure.

    Thread Starter HFman


    That’s what kind of guessed too. Is there a way we can modify HF code to convert brackets to their ASCII chars as it grabs the feed?

    I’m facing the same problem here; my feed has its descriptions encapsulated in <![ CDATA [content]]>' and this also makes HF not function anymore. A solution like HFman suggested would be nice!


    Plugin Contributor Jason


    in version 1.6.1 i added the ability to pass through brackets or double-quotes in any HungryFEED shortcode param, using:

    #91; = [
    #93; = }
    #34; = “

    note that these are the html encodings for these characters except the ampersand is left off the beginning (otherwise the wordpress rich text editor winds up messing it up)

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