• I am trying to create pages on my site that would show on the top bar. I am trying to add a RSS feed to each of the pages which would pull posts with certain criteria, like posts from certain shows we cover for each page (which will be the show titles). I am setting up one for The Bachelor, but it seems to be pulling in only one post. This post it is pulling in is the only one on the homepage for The Bachelor, but many other posts have been done on The Bachelor recently. Why is it not pulling more than one when I have set it to unlimited? Does the plugin only go back a certain amount of time or posts? I have included the search terms to pick up posts that include “the bachelor” We do a lot of posts on the site, so I would like to separate the shows and have our readers click on the show on top of the page and be able to see all of the recent articles for that show.

    Here is a link to my site:


    And a link to The Bachelor page I spoke about:


    Please let me know what I am doing wrong and why it is only pulling one story in when I have done at least 5 articles this week on the show.


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