• This is an idea that’s been kicking around in my head for a while and I wish I had the time to learn how to make this kind of spam plugin. The basic idea in six words: Report spam to the spammer’s ISP.

    Here’s the process as I see it:

    1. You get a spam comment from some IP address.
    2. This imaginary plug-in has a button somewhere on the admin side for reporting this comment to the ISP.
    3. When you click the button, the plug-in looks up the abuse email address for the ISP associated with the IP address and sends them the spammer’s IP and some comments about this person spamming your website (make it a customizable email).
    4. You cackle with glee at being able to stick it to the spammers.

    I got a $50 donation for the first person who can get me that kind of a plug-in. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d fork over a few bucks for the opportunity to cackle at the spammers. Man, I’d turn off all my spam blocking plug-ins and go to town.

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