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  • thanks for the message. I wrote Imsanity partially as a helper for the end-user, but mainly for the server admin on WordPress network installation. so it is meant to run well in that situation.

    # 1. What happens if some blogs have their own media size settings altered on their site?

    I’m guessing you refer to the WordPress media sizes that you can configure for large, medium, thumbnail sizes that will be generated? Imsanity resizes the file before those functions are called so the user cannot do anything to create files larger than what is allowed by Imsanity. If the imsanity configured max is 800×600 and the “large” file size is set to 1024×1024 then what will happen is that the large sizes will never be generated. WordPress only generates large/medium size if necessary (if they are smaller than the original)

    Basically you can think of Imsanity as working the same as if the user manually scaled down the image before they uploaded it. It hooks into WordPress at the level immediately after the upload (when it is being saved) before any other processing happens.

    # 2. A quite common situation is domain mapping. Would the sites have any issues with such a configuration?

    It works fine with domain mapping as well, I use it on my own server that way.

    Thank you !!!!!

    Quick, prompt, to the point reply.
    I am truly thankful. I have to at least, try this plugin.

    With this feature there seems to be some issue.

    I have set the network settings but those are only used in the main blog (id1). If I go there as the same user that’s the whole network’s admin, it says correctly that “Imsanity settings have been configured by the server administrator. There are no site-specific settings available.”

    But if I go to some sub blog I’m able to change these settings and the network settings are not in use. Instead there are the original values.

    I also tried creating a new blog but it does not take the settings from network admin, it uses 1024. No matter if I login as network admin or blog admin.

    I tried to deactivate and activate the plugin.

    I’m using subdirectory setup so my main blog where it works is just and the other blogs where it does not work are

    ah thanks for the report – i see the problem is with wordpress creating the settings table for each blog instead of just one global table for all blogs.

    i’ll have a version 2.1.1 released soon today to fix that. i have to figure out how to do it correctly since the previous method i was using wasn’t right.

    crap, 2.1.1 still didn’t fix the issues. I just posted 2.1.2 which does fix the issue.

    getting this error every now and then when resizing:

    ERROR: /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/wp-content/blogs.dir/1211/files/2011/11/20111126_dsc1328_copy.jpg (Could not calculate resized image dimensions)

    might it be the php memory limits? which one would I need to check/raise for a jpg picture the size of 4592 x 3056?

    edit: using multisite that is the reason I posted in this thread. Network settings are working fine ??

    Interesting. That is a WordPress error when it tries to get the dimensions of the image. My best guess at this moment is either the file is not fully uploading, but it could possibly be a memory thing.

    If it was a memory or a timeout issue, I’d think you’d see PHP die with a relevant error message. Instead it’s coming from a specific line in WordPress /wp-includes/media.php:

    $dims = image_resize_dimensions($orig_w, $orig_h, $max_w, $max_h, $crop);

    That is returning nothing, which means the failure happened with GD.

    The best suggestion I would have to start with is to temporarily change the line after that statement like so:

    if ( !$dims )
        die("have a look at $file");
        // return new WP_Error( 'error_getting_dimensions', __('Could not calculate resized image dimensions') );

    what that will do is just stop WordPress the moment in encounters that error and it will leave the original image alone instead of deleting it. Then go on your server and download that image to see if it’s exactly the same as the original.

    if it is exactly the same, then that rules out problems during the upload or file copy and it means the problem has to be somewhere with the PHP GD library (or a memory issue, timeout, etc)

    if the file is not exactly the same then there is a problem with the upload process (which seems unlikely but you don’t know until you rule it out)

    sorry man, I omitted some very important info:

    the problem occurred when trying to resize images that had already been uploaded.

    in this case, shall I still try your suggestion or won’t it make sense since the images are already uploaded.

    If you have another idea, I can check anything you want, I am on my own root server so I can fiddle around if needed.

    hmm, well if you already know the image is good and it is intermittent (fails one time them works the next) then that narrows the possibilities to something between PHP and GD. If it fails on some images but not others, then I would suspect something with the images themselves is incompatible with GD.

    Essentially PHP is making a command-line call to GD to get the dimensions of the image. And for whatever reason that GD command is not returning the correct info to PHP. Whether there is some extension timeout setting for that command that is too low, or whether you have to specify something when you compile the GD extension, I wish I could say but I don’t really know.

    I’d probably start with the easy thing of just making sure you have current versions of everything.

    nope, none of that. I noticed someone had uploaded huge images so I activated your plugin network wide. I used to use another solution but that one stopped working a few versions ago.

    so I set up the defaults for this plugin and went to this one blog, verified all images and tried resizing them all.

    4 of them simply fail. I assumed it is because of their size but I guess its not. I’ll leave it at this for now.

    oh hmm, if it’s the same 4 images every time then I would definitely just suspect those particular images have something about them that GD doesn’t like. Perhaps they have partial corruption or something which isn’t noticeable in a viewer but chokes GD



    Sorry, I am using the translator, I’m from Brazil.
    I wonder if the plugin does not have to make only a certain period, because I have 16,000 images on the site, and the plugin so can not read everything. I left five hours, but not brought me any result.

    Thank you,


    I imagine, if Imsanity can function like New Blog Defaults plugin, definitely he will be one mandatory plugin for WordPress Multisite. ??

    Glad to see this plugin now multisite support, and it works as expected.

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