• Hi there i like the scroll and i see it works on other site which is really cool. Now i want to add it to my site it doesn’t seems to work.

    Content Selector = .contentContainer .works
    Post Selector = .contentContainer .works .mosaic-block-fade

    My site adress is https://dreamin.nl

    I dont have pagination so its not relevant.

    I have done as it should be but it still not working. I hope some of you can help me out .




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  • Plugin Contributor beaver6813


    Infinite-scroll requires some sort of pagination in order to work (it needs to know what page to load next). So at the very least you’ll need working “Previous posts”/”Next posts” links.

    Thread Starter wingye


    Thanks Beaver,

    So i need to get my pagination to work in order to get it to work on the site ?

    Yes because it transforms your “Previous entries” into ajax code to load the next page.

    Thread Starter wingye


    Hi Beaver,

    I get the scroll to showup but its not loading any new post:/


    Thread Starter wingye



    This is the link where it should work

    Thread Starter wingye


    <div class=”navigation”><p><?php posts_nav_link(); ?></p></div>

    is the code for navigation and below are the slector:

    div.navigation a.next

    but nothing seems to work :/

    Plugin Contributor beaver6813


    You want:
    Content Selector: ul.works
    Item Selector: ul.works .mosaic-block
    Navigator Selector: div.navigation
    Next Page Selector: div.navigation p a:first

    If that still doesn’t work then turn debug on so I can take a closer look.

    Thread Starter wingye


    Hi Beaver,

    Thanks alot for ur reply.
    It seems to work but its not loadung properly. What could be the probleem?


    Plugin Contributor beaver6813


    Not sure, it doesn’t look to be an infinite-scroll problem (it loads the posts). Perhaps you’re using some javascript on those elements on page load? In which case you probably need to add some javascript to load after the new posts are loaded to initiate those.

    Thread Starter wingye


    Hi Beaver,

    Thanks for your quick respons. I use mosaic for those mouse over effect on thumbs. But it seems i cant get it to work. I have turn on debug mode.. I really appreciate if you could help me out.


    add this:

    jQuery(‘.circle, .gallery-icon’).mosaic({
    opacity: 0.5
    animation: ‘slide’

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