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    I have got some touble finding the correct CSS selectors for Delicate Theme (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/themes/delicate) – currently it does not work.. ??

    So, can anyone help me please?


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    Thanks ind advanced!



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  • Plugin Contributor beaver6813



    You’ll be wanting:

    Content Selector: .narrowcolumn.no
    Item Selector: .narrowcolumn.no .post
    Nav Selector: #navigation
    Next Page Selector: #navigation .nav a:last

    I’m not too sure on the next page selector as I don’t know how it formats it on the next page but give it a go and let me know if it works ??

    Thread Starter digitalNative


    hmm no, it doesn’t work with these selector settings. ??
    just nothing happens when I scroll down…

    Thread Starter digitalNative


    any ideas for debugging??

    Plugin Contributor beaver6813


    @digitalnative, sounds like its still having a problem somewhere (possibly with the selectors or it could be something else). Is there any way I can see an example of the site?

    Thread Starter digitalNative


    yep sure!

    Try these..

    Content Selector: div.narrowcolumn
    Item Selector: div.title
    Nav Selector: #navigation
    Next Page Selector: #navigation .nav a:last

    Thread Starter digitalNative


    ahh nice! thanks!! it is going better… but still no text is loading… ?

    Thread Starter digitalNative


    wuuh.. changes the Item Selector to: div.post
    it seems to work… checkin… ??

    Thread Starter digitalNative


    ok great, here comes the selector setup that works with delicate theme:

    Content Selector: div.narrowcolumn
    Item Selector: div.post
    Nav Selector: #navigation
    Next Page Selector: #navigation .nav a:last

    thanks for your help !

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