• Hello! If you’re going to take the time to create a plugin, why not make it accessible to all WordPress site owners, not just coders? I understand a bit of code, but I’ll be damned if I can make your plugin (with it’s very brief and frustrating installation instructions) work on my site! And judging from the numerous posts titled “not working” I see other people are having problems too. I’m taking a firm stand from here on in. If I can’t understand within 30 seconds how to install a plugin, I’m deleting it, and yours is 1-2-3 gone!



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  • Are you kidding me? This is an awesome FREE plugin. Go ahead and write custom pagination class yourself and see how much work it needs to work properly. Every wordpress installation differs more or less, you can’t expect everything to work everywhere without any flaws. If you can’t set up something, ask for help, provide more details, say what you have done, what didn’t work or what you don’t understand. You now just bitch about how incompetent you are. You wont understand anything within 30 seconds with this attitude.

    Thread Starter barryglick



    Your response is a perfect example of what I mean. You don’t want to help, you just want to criticize. If this plugin is so awesome, and the support is so awesome, where is the plugin author’s input? Exactly! And, by the way, most of the plugins are free.

    I have found some nice people on this forum, who will take my hand as a non programmer and help me. You’re, sadly, not one of them.


    @barryglick So, what is your point? If it is not for you, just don’t use it. Nobody cares if you delete it. What is wrong with creating a plugin for developers? Lots of happy users, like me.

    Thread Starter barryglick


    It’s like you keep making my point, all the posters who have no actual help to contribute. I wasn’t asking for criticism, I can get that anywhere. I do appreciate that these plugins are free, but to a non programmer it’s like saying crap is free if you don’t tell me how to use it.

    At any rate, to end this flaming exchange, I will say that through the KIND help of another member (NOT the developer!), who took the time to explain where the code snippets should go, I got pagenavi to work,and it is very good.

    I stand by everything I said. If you’re going to offer a plugin, free or otherwise, support the friggin thing!!!!


    Wow Barry! I just can’t resist to kind of quote you: If you’re going to take the time to create a support post, why not put any sense in it? Like asking a support question someone could answer instead of just bashing the developers?
    I’m not a programmer either but I got the plugin up and running like 1-2-3 by just following the installation instructions given here. I am very glad that people take the time to build such plugins (often though having another fulltime job) because I know that I myself never could do so. And if I cannot get a plugin running, I either ask politely(!!) for help or just try another one. I really can’t understand how people can expect (or should I say demand?) to have all their wishes fulfilled for nothing – not even reading the information provided.
    That’s basically it… I really hope you could think over your attitude towards the developers. If your post makes me that angry, I can’t imagine how offensive it must feel for them.
    (Sorry for my poor English.)

    Mods, can we have this topic closed?

    No don’t close it yet. I know exactly what Barry feels like. I’ve just spent an hour going through all my php files trying to find these line
    <div class=”nav-previous”><?php next_posts_link( __( ‘<span class=”meta-nav”>←</span> Older posts’, ‘twentyten’ ) ); ?></div>
    <div class=”nav-next”><?php previous_posts_link( __( ‘Newer posts <span class=”meta-nav”>→</span>’, ‘twentyten’ ) ); ?></div>

    and I can not.
    I’m not stupid but without some kind of help other than what’s given in locating where to place the required codes, it’s so frustrating.
    yes, I found where to replace them in the twenty 12 theme, but that’s not the theme I’m using. Those lines are not in my function.php file of my theme, or any other file.
    So a little explanation as where to place the new codes would have been helpful to the likes of Barry, me and many others not as lucky as sfich.
    It looks a good plugin, but I’ll hold judgement until I can get it to work.
    Ok sficht, here the support question you think we should be asking which I think we shouldn’t have to ask. Maybe you can answer it. Where do you put the codes when they are not in any of your php files?

    Hi Dedgeling. Sure I will try to help you. It’s not a question of not wanting to help. It’s a question of how someone asks. And in Barry’s case he didn’t even ask, he just complained.

    So… if I remember it right, I didn’t have to change my theme because it already supported the plugin. However, the lines of code (just search for “next_posts_link” as the rest can differ) in my theme can be found in a file called “content.php”. This file gathers all the content for each of the website’s views. That is, it collects single blog entries as well as a bunch of excerpts, depending on what needs to be displayed in each case.

    You see it’s not that simple to name the right place – it really depends on the theme. Hope this helps you.

    Hi sficht, thanks for trying to help. I’ve managed to find the below code tucked away in an ‘includes’ folder. It’s the only php file in the theme that bears any similarities to the mentioned code I need to replace.
    I’ve tried replacing all or part with the necessary code needed but with no luck. Very frustrating. If you can spot where it needs to go, I’d be very grateful. Thanks again for your time and help.

    function wp_pagenavi($before = ”, $after = ”, $prelabel = ”, $nxtlabel = ”, $pages_to_show = 5, $always_show = false) {
    global $request, $posts_per_page, $wpdb, $paged;
    if(empty($prelabel)) {
    $prelabel = ‘«‘;
    if(empty($nxtlabel)) {
    $nxtlabel = ‘»‘;
    $half_pages_to_show = round($pages_to_show/2);
    if (!is_single()) {
    if(!is_category()) {
    preg_match(‘#FROM\s(.*)\sORDER BY#siU’, $request, $matches);
    } else {
    preg_match(‘#FROM\s(.*)\sGROUP BY#siU’, $request, $matches);
    $fromwhere = $matches[1];
    $numposts = $wpdb->get_var(“SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ID) FROM $fromwhere”);
    $max_page = ceil($numposts /$posts_per_page);
    if(empty($paged)) {
    $paged = 1;
    if($max_page > 1 || $always_show) {
    echo “$before <div class=’Nav’>”;
    if ($paged >= ($pages_to_show-1)) {
    echo ‘« First‘;
    for($i = $paged – $half_pages_to_show; $i <= $paged + $half_pages_to_show; $i++) {
    if ($i >= 1 && $i <= $max_page) {
    if($i == $paged) {
    echo “<strong class=’on’>$i”;
    } else {
    echo ‘ ‘.$i.’ ‘;
    next_posts_link($nxtlabel, $max_page);
    if (($paged+$half_pages_to_show) < ($max_page)) {
    echo ‘Last »‘;
    echo “</div> $after”;

    Hi Dodgeling. As I said, I’m not a programmer either. Are you sure this function is from your theme? It looks like it implements the very function you would actually like to call (wp_pagenavi). Which theme are you using?

    Dodgeling, did you every get this figured out?

    sficht I just came across this plugin and looked at the support tickets as I tend to do before taking on anything to my server, and happened across this post because of the annoying title.

    This post was started in a way that makes it deconstructive. It should be closed by mods and Dodgeling should open a new support ticket, which I will gladly help with. For anyone who comes across this and needs an answer, heres the best one I can provide:

    1. Look in your theme folder
    2. Find front-page.php (for your main blog roll)
    3. If that file does not exist, look for single.php (for single blog post pages)
    4. If neither exists, your using a poorly made theme

    Look for this style of code:

    <div class="panel">
    	<div class="panel-heading">
    		<h1 class="panel-title"><h1><a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h1>
    	<?php the_content( '', FALSE , '' ); ?>
    	<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(); ?>"><button type="button" class="btn btn-info">Read More...</button></a>
    	<div class="panel-footer">
    		<p class="text-left">Written on <?php echo get_the_date(); ?> by <?php the_author_link(); ?></p>

    Note: this is a front-page I’m in the middle of writing for my site, yours may look differnt, but generally should have a <div> tag with WordPress’ the_content() function in it.

    1. Find where in the code you want your pagination to go.
    2. If you need help, using Google Chrome find the area on your webpage, right click, and press Inspect Element, this will open developer mode on that area which may help you locate the exact location in the front-page.php file. F12 will open developer mode in all browsers if you don’t use Chrome.
    3. Insert <?php wp_pagenavi(); ?> into whatever area of your theme you want it housed in (probably a <div> tag.)

    NOTE: These instructions ONLY are useful if your current theme does not use pagination of any kind! If it DOES, then you need to follow the instructions on the installation page of this plugin’s page.

    I hope this helps at least 1 person.

    -Jon 509Tech

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