• Hi there,

    thanks for the great and simple plugin! In the newest version 2.0.1 I found a few minor bugs and it would be great if you could look into it.

    Line 260: js file loaded is script-min.js, the file under /assets is called script.js though.

    Lines 247 + 295: I replaced

    $ds_cf7_captcha .= ‘What is
    $ds_cf7_captcha .= esc_html__(‘What is’, DSCF7_TEXT_DOMAIN) . ‘

    to make it translatable to German.

    Also I noticed that your TEXT-DOMAIN (dscf7-math-captcha) is different to the name of your plugin, I think it’s much more common to go with the plugin name (ds-cf7-math-captcha). Just a suggestion because I couldn’t figure out why the .po file wouldn’t work.


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