I’ve just remembered what I was exactly trying to do: getting the direct link to full-page view of the document on ISSUU.
Yes I came across that, I assume you are using manual code like “https://issuu.com/USERID/docs/x/1?mode=a_p” at present, where “x” is your issuu doc-id and “USERID” is your issuu username. This is called paper view + fill window option – if your a Microsoft word user you would call it page-width view. It has blue bar at top, dark grey border I don’t think you can change the border colour. You can choose “single page” option in that view.
“full-page view” I assume you mean paper view + “single page” option. Is that right?
The wordpress short-code that issue-pdf makes gives you flash object on your web page. If you mouse-over the page images it tells you click to “view in full screen”. If you click in this a flash object is running “outside” your browser in full screen mode. This is also true if you switch to magazine view (2 full pages fitted to screen size). At top of screen you have an icon for the view modes magazine/presentation/paper.
As stated earlier issuu-pdf inserts your issuu doc-id, so no reason you cant just paste in
https://issuu.com/USERID/docs/x/1?mode=a_p and cut and paste “x” from the issuu-pdf inserted code and “USERID” is your issuu username then delete issuu-pdf inserted code.
I use always replace their code with this (it’s just my preferences):
[pdf issuu_pdf_id=”x” allow_full_screen_=”0″ show_flip_buttons=”1″ layout=”browsing” autoFlip=”true” width=”400″ height=”350″ autoFlipTime=”4000″ allowfullscreen=true bgcolor=”y” ]
x=issuu doc if and y=6 char hex code for border color.
What I REALLY wanted was paper view + “single page” option on first click WITH border colour I have chosen, but you can’t do both. I settled on the above code because of border color control which I get for magazine/presentation modes. If you choose paper mode this exits “full screen” mode and the browser changes web pages to “https://issuu.com/USERID/docs/x/1?mode=a_p”. From that point on changing view modes does not take you back to same views with your border colours. The differences here are just border color stays dark grey, no full screen mode (as you are in web browser window) and running directly under issuu.com domain not your website domain.