• Resolved plnewton


    I am trying to display an output on the screen to show some text based on what a customers chooses from a drop down list

    I would expect this would simply be:
    if(DropDown=1, “True”, “False”)

    So if a customer selects the first value in the drop down list then I want the element to display True in an output element but the output element only seems to allow a number not a string

    I am doing something wrong??


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  • Hi,

    I’ve been trying to do the same and have got the following workaround.

    For each drop down selection you need a hidden output field to display the results.

    It appears the email body can only handle data from Input or Output fields. If you add any other type the email won’t go through.

    For example: Drop down selection id Fruit > Apples (1) or Oranges (2)
    Hidden Output field id email_fruit > if(Fruit=1,”Apples”,”Oranges)

    Then in the email form add {{email_fruit}}

    I’ve also noted that using this method you can’t return an alphanumeric value unless you start the string with a character not a number i.e. if(Fruit=1,”8 Apples”… – does not work but if(Fruit=1″- 8 Apples”… does work.

    Same for the input field. I have a box for a contact telephone number but this would be blank when emailed if only a number was entered. For the moment I have included some text (Contact telephone:) as default in the entry box.

    This is just what I have found in my brief time with this excellent plug-in. I should also note that I couldn’t get the email to work with some themes so have dropped back to Twenty Eleven for now.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter plnewton


    I think there is some serious problems with this version as I seem to be having all sorts of problems

    I am unable to save a form with an output element like this:
    if(PrintOnly=1, “Printing Only”,”Burn and Print”)

    If I try to save it with the above if statement the plugin just creates and empty form and the screen goes blank, I then reselect the form from the drop down list and the change has not been saved

    If I enter it like this it allows me to save it:
    if(PrintOnly=1, Printing Only,Burn and Print)

    But this results in a an invalid formula or it displays a 0

    If I edit the database directly for that field and add like it is at the top then the form works but I can then no longer edit the form within admin, I can only edit it on the database

    Anyone have an idea or experiencing anything similar?


    Plugin Author jazzigor


    Sorry guys, my response comes a bit late. I had very little time left and I made the evil decision to prioritize development and bug fixing over user support. My apologies.

    In versions prior to v0.9.8 there were several issues (including severe ones) concerning email. Among others values starting with numbers, for use in Emails, have been processed incorrectly. Thanks, MyFish, for pointing this out! But afaik none of these are still around.

    plnewton, I haven’t been able to reproduce the issue with saving formulas containing quotes. There was a related issue back before v0.9.4, but that’s 3 months before your complaint. Maybe the incorrect JavaScript sript somehow got stuck in your browser’s or proxy’s cache? The correct formula is if(PrintOnly=1, "Printing Only","Burn and Print"), indeed.

    I hope the lack of feedback didn’t piss you off completely. Thank you so much for trying out my software!

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