• Resolved dionsis


    Latest Wordpres, Latest Jetpack

    Just wondering why when I hit like on the sharing it doesn’t offer a comment box to type a thought.

    Without the thought, the liking of the page doesn’t appear on the persons profile except in the activity box. Which also doesn’t appear in a news feed.

    Any help to modify it to have the comment box would be great


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  • Thru the Facebook Insights Dashboard on your page you can get some information.
    The official Facebook plugin should add the relevant Open Graph tags to set your page and yourself as the Page Admin (can’t remember off hand)

    Sometimes you can’t get who has liked content items as they won’t be your friend or your friends friends or have set their security settings to not be revealed.

    More information can be pulled from the open graph API but that would require you writing some code or hiring *someone* *cough like me cough* to write some code to pull that data out of open graph into a form you can understand

    If your using Facebook comments not sure if that notifies or not
    Jetpack comments should however.



    Thanks Barry do you have an email/website I can take a look at, I will see if we can get your cough fixed.

    From what I understand I need 30 likes before the Insights becomes active. I don’t understand how this official FB plugin would stop the comments showing up in my WP comments box, At present I’m in the dark to who or when I get a comment or if someone hits ‘like’, maybe I have a setting incorrect?

    Sorry got distracted/busy I’m on https://barrycarlyon.co.uk/ mostly just blogging I need to get my portfolio back up at some point.

    Notification wise, depends if you are using jetpack comments of the Facebook Offiicial Plugin Facebook Comments.

    JetPack comments you should still get the standard WordPress notifications emails.
    Facebook not so sure, I haven’t run that comment form for a while.
    Like’s you should only get relatively anonymous insight data.
    Unless friends or friends of friends like your content and their privacy settings allow it to show in your newsfeed.

    Liking a Facebook Page, is a different kettle of fish to liking a blog entry via the JetPack links as this just shares/recommends/likes the content.



    just emailed you !

    I shall keep an eye out for it. (Its not arrived yet…. tho the email notification for the forum reply was pretty quick).

    Edit: received ??

    Hi all, I’d like (pun intended) to get back to the original problem this thread was about –-i.e. the lack of the “add comment” box popup for the official facebook like button in Jetpack.

    Again, that is NOT the pop-up window you can get by selecting “Icon + Text”.

    It’s the little popup that hovers under the like button.

    @barry has already posted a screenshot:

    Anybody can try it here, in the official Like Plugin page by Facebook

    @tim said they were looking for the inclusion in future version of the plugin, 4 months ago.

    As of today the problem persists in Jetpack 2.1.1
    In the meantime various versions of Jetpack have been released, including the massive 2.0 and 2.1 updates.

    Any news about that from the Automattic team?
    Has anyone found an alternative solution?

    I forwarded the issue to the Jetpack support and got back this useful answer from Jeremy (thank you!):

    Unfortunately, the Comment box pop up only appears in a few circumstances:

    * The width of the button is at least 450 pixels
    * The button uses the layout=”standard” option

    The Like button used by Jetpack is much smaller than that, so the Comment box cannot actually be displayed.

    I am afraid you’ll have to insert the Like button manually to solve this issue.

    Much simpler than previously thought. Since the G+ button that comes with Jetpack works like a charm with no restrictions related to the width value, I really think it’s Facebook’s job to make something more reliable. I think I’m gonna grow a big beard in the meantime.

    I’m sorry to say that is all absolutely wrong. Please refer to the like button documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/ if you configure a test button with a button count style and width at 90 and hit it you will see the comments frame box appear. The button size and style has nothing to do with this – is is functionality built into all FB Like buttons.

    I don’t know what happens to the code on the Facebook page you linked, Paul (where the box seems to appear under any circumstance) but I must say that a couple of tests I run inside a WordPress page tend to confirm Jeremy’s explanation above.

    Here’s what I did:

    – I set 90px as the width on the Facebook page (where the box still appears)
    – I got the code (iframe version) and pasted it inside a page
    – I tried the button on the published page: “Add Comment” box nowhere to be seen.

    Have you got any other explanation for the fact that the Facebook Like Button inserted through Jetpack doesn’t show the Add Comment box? I really can’t find another one and I’d appreciate any new hint.

    I guess it’s related to either CSS hiding the comments box through overflow:hidden or some other css issue so that the comments box is popping up but is being hidden by the size of containing elements. (Or old code being used).

    I did find one plug-in that I got working – it’s on a blog I’m actually moving away from which is at https://www.phoneographer.org and the plug-in is called ‘social sharing toolkit’… – take a look at the posts – hopefully you’ll see it works. I’m frustrated because I don’t like installing 2 plug-ins where 1 should do!

    I’m frustrated because I don’t like installing 2 plug-ins where 1 should do!

    Amen to that!

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @paul The Jetpack plugin uses the iFrame version of the Like button, and it has some limitations, as you realized.

    I understand your frustation, though, and I’ll do some more tests to see if we can work around this issue.

    Hi Jeremy thank you ??



    Did you come up for an answer to @camillomiller’s question? Here it is. <BEGIN QUESTION> Have you got any other explanation for the fact that the Facebook Like Button inserted through Jetpack doesn’t show the Add Comment box? I really can’t find another one and I’d appreciate any new hint. <END QUESTION> One of my client’s is having the same problem. The Facebook Share button shares the blog not the specific page/post and the Like button has no comment box. Bottom line, we would like to be able to allow people to Like something and then share the specific page/post with their friends. Thanks, Texan

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    @dumber_texan As I mentioned above, the Jetpack plugin uses the iFrame version of the Like button, and it has some limitations: I highlighted them here.

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