• Hi,

    Very nice job you did with the plugin. I have just a little question. I need to display the job list for a certain category to the homepage or other pages. I have read the other threads and find an article how to display the whole job list:

    $posts = jobman_display_jobs_list( 'all' );
    echo $posts[0]->post_content;

    Now all I need is to filter it to show only the jobs for a certain category… here I’m stuck. I tried to put instead of “all” parameter the id of my category or the slug but no luck.

    Any ideas ?

    Thank you for your time.

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  • farshidk


    i want to show a summary list of jobs as opposed to all the details of all the jobs in the main page which is what i get as default. is this the same problem? where exactly do you plug this 2-line code? thanks.

    i wish we’d get more help on this forum. frustrating.

    I’m also looking for a way to display a hierarchical unordered list of categories and posts within each. So far, no joy.

    As the categories created in Job Manager seem to be internal to job manager and not WP post categories, there is very little manipulation possible from what I can tell. It would be nice if it created an actual ‘post’ for a ‘category’ in the WP structure rather than the way it does – we shall see what changes when / if an update comes…

    I’d like to know how to filter certain categories as well with the php code icarusro mentions above.

    I got this working for me. I created my own template files called “category-categoryname.php” then just customized the template. Then when you go to domain.com/jobs/categoryname, that template will load.

    I guess if you want to display a list of links for all categories on one page you could pull the respective content from the category pages using PHP or jQuery etc, onto a ‘combined’ template page.

    Still wish there was an easier way to do this – I ended up assigning classes in the display code, pulling matching category names from the full list table, then using jQuery to clone the matching content to the visible part of the page, before removing the full list table to leave just the filtered jobs.

    Crude and not the ideal approach I know, but was the first method that I came up with that worked in the time I had – I do plan to streamline it sometime! See:


    Colour coding the jobs by matching categories can be seen here:


    Hoping there will be an update soon!

    @petebocken can you please describe in a little more detail how you got your template to only display jobs in a specific category? Where did you put the php file you mentioned?

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