I just had to hack this code in so this can adequately fill a need I have. Anyone needing [job_startdate] and [job_enddate] shortcodes, read on.
Add the following at around line 110 in frontend-shortcodes.php:
case 'job_enddate':
$displayenddate = get_post_meta( $jobman_shortcode_job->ID, 'displayenddate', true );
return $displayenddate;
case 'job_startdate':
$displaystartdate = date( 'Y-m-d', strtotime( $jobman_shortcode_job->post_date ) ) ;
return $displaystartdate;
…And update line 50 in job-manager.php to read:
$jobman_shortcodes = array( 'job_loop', 'job_row_number', 'job_id', 'job_highlighted', 'job_odd_even', 'job_link', 'job_icon', 'job_title', 'job_field', 'job_field_label', 'job_categories', 'job_category_links', 'job_field_loop', 'job_apply_link', 'job_checkbox', 'job_apply_multi', 'job_page_count', 'job_page_previous_link', 'job_page_previous_number', 'job_page_next_link', 'job_page_next_number', 'job_page_minimum', 'job_page_maximum', 'job_total', 'current_category_name', 'current_category_link', 'job_enddate', 'job_startdate');
Note the 'job_enddate', 'job_startdate'
bit appended to the end of that array. This is necessary and confused me for at least ten minutes.