• This is the perfect plug in….EXCEPT….

    I DO NOT want logged in users or anyone other then admin posting jobs. However, it appears that anyone registered can post job.

    Can anyone tell me how to eliminate that without eliminating admins ability to post jobs…going on 4 hours now..

    Want to rip my hair out!

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  • I do not believe that the developer has implemented any type of user roles/permissions as of yet.

    I’m curious about the same thing. I wold like to have the ability to assign posting of jobs to a specific role, it would be great if this plugin would play nicely with https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/members/ or something of that nature.

    I too am looking for registered users to be able to add jobs this would be great for people running wordpress multisite websites that require the posting of jobs by its members.

    I noticed Gary was looking into a similar post about 3 months ago letting the public ability to add jobs.

    Gary is there any update on this feature

    Best regards and keep up the good work


    I’m bumping this topic since this is something that we are really needing in our Job Manager install. Or even if it would mesh nicely with the Members plugin that would work too.

    I wish I had time to take a peak at doing this myself but I don’t unfortunately. Any updates regarding this would be appreciated.

    I posted this in another topic but thought I’d pop it in here as well. This seems to be an option that multiple people seem to be needing so to have it sooner rather than later would be more beneficial.

    Anyway that being said, I didn’t think I would time to take a peak at this as I said above but I did, after briefly skimming the code in the Job Manager admin.php (between lines 22 and 35) The menu is being referenced by the ‘publish_posts’ capability. This was mentioned in another post by spacechampion and isn’t very ideal.

    So this was what I did (THIS IS NOT 100% tested but appears to be working for my setup so far (change at your own risk) (using wordpress 3.0.x):

    1)I have a Role and Capabilities plugin installed (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/members/)

    2)I added a new Role (i.e. JM Admin) and then I added a custom capability (i.e. jobmanager). I then selected this role to be able to have the capability to read_private_pages and saved (you could possibly also assign this new capability to existing Roles (i.e. Subscriber for registered users).

    *If you do not allow the Role to have the read_private_pages capability then the menu items for Applications, Emails, Interviews will not function properly (none of their options display). BE WARNED THAT THIS ROLE WILL LIKELY BE ABLE TO SEE ANYTHING ELSE THAT ALSO USES THE READ_PRIVATE_PAGES CAPABILITY SO ONLY ADD USERS TO THIS ROLE THAT YOU WOULD TRUST TO HAVE ACCESS.

    *Optionally the manage_options capability will allow this role to have access to change the Job Manager settings, if you want this new Role to have access to Job Manager Settings then allow it to access manage_options. If you don’t choose to add this to your new role when the user of that role clicks that option they will get a message that says they do not have the permissions to access those options. BE WARNED THAT IF YOU DO ALLOW THIS ROLE TO USE MANAGE_OPTIONS THAT IT MIGHT GRANT ACCESS TO OTHER PLUGIN SETTINGS/OPTIONS THAT YOU MAY NOT WANT USERS OF THIS NEW ROLE TO ACCESS.

    3)I assigned a test user to this new Role.

    4)As said above, I opened admin.php found in the Job Manager plugin folder and between lines 22 – 35 where it says ‘publish_posts’ I replaced with ‘jobmanager’; that was the capability I set up earlier (the specific lines for me were, 27, 29 & 30).

    5)I went into my Administrator Role and also gave that access to the new ‘jobmanager’ capability.

    6)I logged out of my admin account, logged into my test user account and viola, Job Manager menu and functions were there.

    *This is a temporary fix that I used (not 100% tested yet) until Gary is able to implement a better set of capability settings. If this plugin is auto-updated as new versions come out the settings you change in the admin.php will most likely get overwritten.

    *Backup your Job Manager admin.php before making any changes.

    Hope that might help some people.

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