• Succesfully moved from Joomla 1.6.*/1.7 (no 2.5) to WordPress 3.0.*/3.4.1 after a few chances in my webserver (strato, arsys) and my localhost server (wamp, xampp).
    Using Joomla/Mambo To WordPress Migrator 1.7.1 but making the following changes:

    1. In Your WordPress database: Check your database is clean. Deleting posts/pages/comments from your admin panel is not enough, so empty ALL content for the following tables. You can do it directly from phpmyadmin:
    — wp_posts
    — wp_terms
    — wp_term_relationship
    — wp_term_taxonomy
    I also checked that the AUTOINCREMENT value for the id primary field of each table will be set again at the value of ‘1’ but it didn’t seem to be really needed.
    Set the tables encoding to UTF8 if neccesary.

    2. In Your Admin Panel -> Joomla2Wp -> Settings
    — Joomla MySQL Charset: Empty Value
    — WP MySQL Charset: Empty Value
    — Do codepage conversion: Not Checked
    — Migrate all Categories: Checked. (you can delete the not useful ones after migration and it was fastest for me)

    3. In the file at ‘plugins/joomla-to-wordpress-migrator/joomla2wp-mig.php’ make the following changes:
    — LINE 702:
    $query = "SELECT id, title FROM " . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "categories WHERE section NOT LIKE('com_%') ORDER BY id ";
    Change the ‘section’ field for ‘extension’ and ‘NOT LIKE’ by ‘LIKE’ to have this:
    — LINE 702:
    $query = "SELECT id, title FROM " . $j2wp_joomla_tb_prefix . "categories WHERE extension LIKE('com_%') ORDER BY id ";
    This solves the error Unknown column ‘section’ in ‘where clause’

    — LINE 1624:
    if ( count($j2wp_url_change_patterns) )
    change by
    — LINE 1624:
    if ( !($j2wp_url_change_patterns) )
    This solves the Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array

    — LINE 1202:
    $post_content = j2wp_change_custom_strings( $post_content );
    delete this line or comment to disable:
    //$post_content = j2wp_change_custom_strings( $post_content );

    I run the migration and succesfully imported more than 5000 posts & 100 categories in +500 seconds, just keeped an eye on the page looking for refresh if it stopped.

    If you previously used any special characters in your joomla posts as spanish (? á é í) or nordics (t,e,?,,?) you will notice that your post names, content or categories could be shifted or shorted and some content may dissappear. To avoid it, change the codification character of the joomla2wp-mig.php to UTF8 without BOM (you can do it easy with notepad++, open document and go to Code > UTF8 > Save) before running the migration script. If you export the mysql file from your joomla to a new database, you can do the same trick with the .sql file before importing.

    I expect you to be worthy with this tips, it tooks me +5 hours to solve!


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  • thank you ??

    WOW thanks for the great explanation!! I just migrated from Joomlla 2.5.8 to WordPress 3.5.1 after first getting many errors without your help. Thanks again for the great work and sharing it! Really saved me a lot of time!
    One of the errors I received was:
    “Unknown column ‘section’ in ‘where clause'”
    Hope others can save as much time as me aswell this way.

    Regards, Marcel
    Compass Creations

    Hmm maybe I was ecstatic a little too early, all of the information from my Joomla website was only partially migrated. The weird thing being that it isn’t the same length for all posts. I thought it would’ve done everything allright. It made posts of all my Joomla articles, in the right catagories even with tags, but I still have to run through every article / post to make them complete..
    Does anyone have this experience / know of an answer to this?

    Regards, Marcel
    Compass Creations

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