There are a few options you have here.
li> Use a noindex meta tag, to prevent the entire page from being indexed.
- Use an image instead of text for your expanded content.
- Write the non-indexable content via external Javascript file located in a robots-excluded directory
- Insert the non-indexable content via a borderless iframe containing a meta noindex element/excluded by robots.txt
- Finally, there is an (un-documented) feature you might try. Using this will prevent search engines from indexing all of the enclosed expand elements:
Wrap your expand elements with a div, and assign this div a class of content_collapse_wrapper like so:
<div class="content_collapse_wrapper">
[expand title="tirgger1"]content1[/expand]
[expand title="tirggerN"]contentN[/expand]
This overrides the default behavior of content being visible—then once the page loads—hidden with javascript. Wrapping your expands in a content_collapse_wrapper div will initially present the content as display:none, then use javascript to SHOW the items. Because search engine spiders (normally) do not execute javascript, they will (normally) not index hidden items.