• Resolved evolutionn


    Every time the plugin updates to the most recent version it crashes my site. Below is the info and the error I got. I deactivated the plugin for now, but I need it working. I tried recalling the plugin back and disabling auto updates but it auto updates anyway over time and crashes the site. Please help.

    When seeking help with this issue, you may be asked for some of the following information:
    WordPress version 6.5.2
    Active theme: ANIMACEWP (version 1.1.8)
    Current plugin: Site Reviews (version 7.0.1)
    PHP version 8.1.28

    Error Details
    An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 43 of the file /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Plugin.php. Error message: Uncaught BadMethodCallException: Method [filterString] does not exist. in /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Plugin.php:43
    Stack trace:
    #0 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Plugin.php(205): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Application->__call(‘filterString’, Array)
    #1 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Modules/Migrate.php(96): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Application->path(‘plugin/Migratio…’)
    #2 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Modules/Migrate.php(31): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Modules\Migrate->availableMigrations()
    #3 [internal function]: GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Modules\Migrate->__construct()
    #4 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Container.php(110): ReflectionClass->newInstanceArgs(Array)
    #5 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Container.php(219): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Container->construct(‘GeminiLabs\\Site…’)
    #6 [internal function]: GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Container->GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\{closure}()
    #7 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Helper.php(353): call_user_func(Object(Closure))
    #8 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Helper.php(239): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Helper::runClosure(Object(Closure))
    #9 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Container.php(220): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Helper::ifTrue(true, Object(Closure), Object(Closure))
    #10 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Container.php(67): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Container->resolve(‘GeminiLabs\\Site…’, Array)
    #11 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/plugin/Application.php(151): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Container->make(‘GeminiLabs\\Site…’)
    #12 /srv/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/site-reviews/site-reviews.php(32): GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Application->init()
    #13 /wordpress/core/6.5.2/wp-settings.php(517): include_once(‘/srv/htdocs/wp-…’)
    #14 /srv/htdocs/wp-config.php(83): require_once(‘/wordpress/core…’)
    #15 /wordpress/core/6.5.2/wp-load.php(55): require_once(‘/srv/htdocs/wp-…’)
    #16 /wordpress/core/6.5.2/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(22): require_once(‘/wordpress/core…’)
    #17 {main}

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Have you tried updating to v7.0.4? There was a database permission bug in earlier versions that was causing updates to fail on some websites.

    Thread Starter evolutionn


    I have updated to 7.0.4. and it still crashes my site when activated.

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Are you using any code snippets on your website that modify Site Reviews in any way?

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    It’s really strange, this seems to only be happening for some people.

    I have a suspicion that the plugin is trying to run a migration during the WordPress upgrade process and this is causing the problem. In v7.0.5 I have switched over to queuing the plugin migration instead of triggering it right away.

    Can you please try the solution posted here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/critiical-error-with-7-0-2/#post-17732651

    Did that fix the problem?

    Another error, no matter if is the latest version 7.0.5, causing conflict with facetwp plugin. WordPress is 6.5.2 and PHP is 8.2 using AMPPS on localhost

    if i disable Site reviews plugin everything working fine. With Site reviews version 6.11.8 no problems reported.

    so, any problem exists with latest version.


    Fatal error: Uncaught ReflectionException: Method GeminiLabs\SiteReviews\Controllers\ListTableController::proxy_setQueryForTable() does not exist in C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\plugins\facetwp\includes\class-renderer.php:642 Stack trace: #0 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\plugins\facetwp\includes\class-renderer.php(642): ReflectionMethod->__construct() #1 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\plugins\facetwp\includes\class-renderer.php(606): FacetWP_Renderer->get_hooks_used() #2 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\plugins\facetwp\includes\class-renderer.php(167): FacetWP_Renderer->get_debug_info() #3 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\plugins\facetwp\includes\class-request.php(185): FacetWP_Renderer->render() #4 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(324): FacetWP_Request->update_query_vars() #5 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters() #6 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\plugin.php(565): WP_Hook->do_action() #7 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\class-wp-query.php(1881): do_action_ref_array() #8 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\class-wp-query.php(3824): WP_Query->get_posts() #9 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\class-wp-query.php(3956): WP_Query->query() #10 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\themes\playmewp\template-parts\related-content.php(33): WP_Query->__construct() #11 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\template.php(812): require(‘…’) #12 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\template.php(745): load_template() #13 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\general-template.php(206): locate_template() #14 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\themes\playmewp\single-games.php(186): get_template_part() #15 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-includes\template-loader.php(106): include(‘…’) #16 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once(‘…’) #17 C:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\index.php(17): require(‘…’) #18 {main} thrown inC:\Program Files\Ampps\www\demos\playme\wp-content\plugins\facetwp\includes\class-renderer.phpon line642

    There has been a critical error on this website.


    for facetwp plugin conflict with site reviews 7.0.5, disabling this options solves the error


    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    Thanks, that helps.

    Site Reviews bumped the minimum PHP version to 7.4 in order to support method type declarations. Since WordPress does not use type declarations in filter hooks, it’s easy for any other plugin or custom code to return a non-valid value from any filter hook.

    For example, the wp_editor_settings filter hook function expects the the first parameter $settings to be an array, the second $editor_id parameter to be a string, and that the filter hook returns an array. However, there is nothing to enforce this. You could return a integer value instead.

    To get around the additional overhead that it takes to ensure that values passed into, and returned from filter hooks are correct, Site Reviews runs any “non-Site Reviews” filter hooks through a proxy class which uses a magic __call method to assign the callback so if there is any exception thrown from an incorrect parameter, it catches the exception and just skips the hook.

    Unfortunately, when Facetwp has debug mode enabled, it loops through all of the filter hooks being used and uses ReflectionFunction and ReflectionMethod (which won’t work for magic __call methods) to get information about the filter hook callbacks without using a try/catch .

    Well that’s the long explanation.

    I’m looking into a workaround that will be compatible with Facetwp without loosing the advantages of the proxy class.

    Plugin Author Gemini Labs


    @hbazan85 Please update to v7.0.6 and test with FacetWP debug mode enabled.


    Everything working ok with 7.0.6 and FacetWP enabling debug


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