• Hi,
    i moved my website to another web-hosting 1 month ago.
    I manage 6 competitions for my club and I had a problem with 2 of the competitions after the move.
    I couldn’t enter anymore score for these competitions.
    I had to delete and create again these 2 competitions, the teams and the matches.
    All was allright again… but I have again problems with one of the competitions.
    I can’t no more add new score for the matches.
    What can I do ? It’s very important for me.
    Thanks (and sorry for my english… hope it was clear enough)

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  • Thread Starter snoozriton



    Nobody has any idea ?
    Or something I could try to make it work ?

    Thread Starter snoozriton


    I am desesperate.
    Please help ! I need to update the scores !

    Can you give us more details about your setup? Version of plugin you’re using, etc?

    Have you looked at the error logs for your site as well when you try to enter scores?

    When you try to update the scores in the match(es), which URL are you using at the time? I assume you’re properly logged into the site and can add/modify/delete pages and such?

    Is it just *some* matches which are giving you problems, or all matches? Can you update the scores for some other matches later in the year as a test, to see what happens?

    Also, do you have enough disk space on your hosting site? Or maybe you’ve hit the limit on your backend MySQL setup. It’s hard to know without more details though.

    I haven’t seen this issue myself, but I’m *very* new to leaguemanager and trying to come upto speed with it as well. I’m happy to hack code a bit, but learning this code is a bit of a struggle since the docs are lacking.

    I wish there was an example sport. Sorry, I’m off topic here.

    Good luck!

    Thread Starter snoozriton



    here’s some more precisions.
    I’m using WordPress 3.0.1 and the version 3.6.6 from LeagueManager.

    As I said in my first post, i only have a problem with one competition.
    I don’t have any problem with the 5 others competitions.

    To be more precise, it doesn’t work with any matches of the competition.

    No problem of space, my host space is illimited and it works for the others competitions…

    I have even tried to export matches and teams with the plugin option then i have deleted the competition. But a new creation and an import didn’t solve the problem.

    And i don’t want to recreate the competiton, all the teams and matches… It’s very boring…

    So if someone could help…


    Gah! He’s upgraded the plugin yet again, and without any notice to the Forum. Frustrating. Anyone know how to reach the author, or where he/she hangs out?

    Anyway, do you have just one site for your club, with six different leagues, with each league having it’s own set of teams and matches?

    And which league ID is having the troubles?

    One thought would be to poke at the Mysql DB directly and look at the data in there and see if you can figure out what’s going on there.

    If you can, look at the http logs for your site, but the access_log and the error_log, as well as any PHP logs you can find.

    when you exported the data, did it look correct? And did it re-import properly? What about if you export the data, make a modification and re-import, does the modification show up or not?

    Can you post the output of:

    SELECT * FROM wp_leaguemanager_matches WHERE league_id = #;

    using # of your problematic league? What I’m thinking is that something strange is going on, and there’s an error in the PHP code somewhere which needs to be tracked down.

    So looking for any and all logs from your site is a key thing. Is this a hosted solution where you only have limited access, or do you have full control of a Virtual Server running this site so you can poke around a bit? Hopefully it’s the later…


    Thread Starter snoozriton



    i have just one site to manage the 6 leagues (www.bbc67.fr)
    The league ID which is having problem is 10.
    Unfortunately, i am not familiar enough with MySQL to detect any problem…
    And i don’t what to check in the log files neither… ??

    Here’s a link to the result of the SQL request you asked for :

    When i export the matches, i don’t have any error message.
    When i import the matches i have this error message for each line :
    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘ away_points = NULL, winner_id = 110, loser_id = 109, custom = ‘a:0:{}’ ‘ at line 2]
    UPDATE wp_leaguemanager_matches SET home_points = , away_points = NULL, winner_id = 110, loser_id = 109, custom = ‘a:0:{}’ WHERE id = 772

    But at the end it says that all the matches were imported and they appear…

    My website hosting is hostpapa. I think i have almost a full control.

    In any case, thank you very much for your help.
    I think i will have to delete this league and create it again…


    Thread Starter snoozriton


    i have just noticed that i can’t delete anymore the matches where no score is entered.

    Renald, from looking at the errors and the mysql output you showed me, I wonder if the problem is in the last column, the ‘custom’ one.

    See how it’s got “a:0:{}” as the value? I bet that’s wrong. Oh wait… I just went and looked at my single league and all my matches have the same setup for the ‘custom’ column. Can you check your other leagues with the following mysql code:

    select id, custom from wp_leaguemanager_matches WHERE league_id = 1 GROUP BY custom;

    And you should get two results. One is the header which tells LeagueManager what the custom columns are (I suppose, haven’t looked at the code yet…) and then the actual matches just use the a:0:{} as a placeholder for the formatting.

    You could also check your Schema for each of your leagues with:

    SELECT league_id, id, custom FROM wp_leaguemanager_matches GROUP BY custom ORDER BY league_id

    and see if all your leagues have the same setup. If they don’t, you might be able to get away with just inserting the missing data into the DB. But let’s work on that once we know more what the issue is.


    Thread Starter snoozriton


    Hi John,

    The first SQL request gives no result and the second one i have this result :
    league_id id custom
    2 16 a:0:{}

    Thanks for all your help but i am about to delete all this f….g league !

    Yeah, the first MYSQL statement was written for my setup. If you take out the “WHERE league_id = 1” part, do you get any more output?

    I’m surprised the second one doesn’t produce more output. Do you have a seperate leaguemanager plugin setup for each of your leagues? You’re data just doesn’t look proper. Basically, I don’t see the definition of the ‘custom’ column in your output, which is what you need to have it work properly.

    Can you dump your entire DB and send me a PDF? We can take this offline to email if you like. l8gravely at gmail dot com will do it.

    I’m disappointed that Kolke isn’t active on here, talking with people about hit plugin and how it works. I hope to have some time tonight to hack on it for my site…

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