I hope you like code, though it is not a solution just the cause of your problem.
The $exp->company->industry is filled with certain content from an element that has the partial class “orgstats organization-details”. If you look at the following code, extracted from your linkedin page you see the following difference in code
<div class="position experience vevent vcard summary-past" style="display:block">
<a class="include" href="#name"></a>
<div class="postitle">
<h3 class="false">
<strong class="title">
<a href="/search?search=&title=Inhaber&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true¤tTitle=C"
title="Find users with this title" name="title">Inhaber</a>
<a href="/search?search=¤tCompany=C&company=macs+%26+moritz&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true"
title="Find users who have worked at this company" name="company">macs & moritz</a>
<p class="orgstats organization-details past-position"></p>
<p class="period">
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2006-11-01">November 2006</abbr>–
<abbr class="dtend" title="2009-12-01">Dezember 2009</abbr>
<span class="duration">
<span class="value-title" title="P3Y2M"></span>(3 Jahre 2 Monate)</span>
<span class="location">Freising</span>
<p class=" description past-position">Handel mit Apple-Produkten (Hardware, Software)</p>
<div class="position experience vevent vcard summary-current" style="display:block">
<a class="include" href="#name"></a>
<div class="postitle">
<h3 class="false">
<strong class="title">
<a href="/search?search=&title=Vorstand&sortCriteria=R&keepFacets=true¤tTitle=C"
title="Find users with this title" name="title">Vorstand</a>
<span class="miniprofile-container /companies/1813444?miniprofile=" data-tracking="mcp_profile_sum"
<a class="company-profile" href="/company/1813444?trk=pro_other_cmpy"><span class="org summary">Gewerbeverband Freising im Bund der Selbst?ndigen Bayern e.V.</span></a>
<p class="orgstats organization-details current-position">Branche: Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen</p>
<p class="period">
<abbr class="dtstart" title="2007-11-01">November 2007</abbr>–
<abbr class="dtstamp" title="2012-02-20">Aktuell</abbr>
<span class="duration">
<span class="value-title" title="P4Y4M"></span>(4 Jahre 4 Monate)</span>
<p class=" description current-position">Ressort Organisation & ?ffentlichkeitsarbeit</p>
The first code block show that following element is empty. (this contains the partial class “orgstats organization-details”.
<p class="orgstats organization-details past-position"></p>
in the second block you can see that the same element has content.
<p class="orgstats organization-details current-position">Branche: Management von Nonprofit-Organisationen</p>
So even if you have stored the industry, for me and the plugin it is not visible. I don’t have a solution for this problem. But i think the solution is in your LinkedIn profile.
Roald Joosen
p.s. maybe the language choice (german over english) might be the problem, as you can see it has branche at the front instead of industry at the end. I’m not sure about this but maybe you could try the first code and see if there is any difference. Also the explode might screw up some things because of the langauge. Not sure but it might be something, no time to check, got to get be to work.