• When I install I get this at the end of my page html. I have tried this on two different blogs with different themes with the same result. Hyper Cache seems to work fine.

    <script>function lc_get_cookie(name) {var c = document.cookie;if (c.indexOf(name) != -1) {var x = c.indexOf(name)+name.length+1;var y = c.indexOf(";",x);if (y < 0) y = c.length;return unescape(c.substring(x,y));} else return "";}if ((d = document.getElementById("commentform")) != null) { e = d.elements;var z = lc_get_cookie("comment_author_email_fc8449c7e210766c69a500b088xxxxxx");if (z != "") e["email"].value = z;z = lc_get_cookie("comment_author_fc8449c7e210766c69a500b088xxxxxx");if (z != "") e["author"].value = z;z = lc_get_cookie("comment_author_url_fc8449c7e210766c69a500b088xxxxxx");if (z != "") e["url"].value = z;}</script>


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